Testimonial: Aurora Research Institute – Green Jobs S&T Internship Program


STIP Profile.mp3

Seamus Daly My responsibilities in this internship are to create watershed delineations and other GIS mapping products for use in research, as well as provide field assistance to my supervisor. My name is Seamus Daly and I'm a research assistant at Aurora Research Institute in Yellowknife. The project that we're working on is to assess water chemistry and water quality around the community of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, in order to assess the impact of mines on the Baker Creek watershed. One of the more rewarding experiences I've had in this internship is just to be able to continue to collaborate with researchers working in the north, that's been helpful for me to understand the research environment in the north, who's doing what sort of work and maybe what I'd like to be involved in in the future.

Mike Palmer My name is Mike Palmer, I am the manager of the North Slave Research Centre at the Aurora Research Institute in Yellowknife. So we had the opportunity to work with Seamus to build some of his geomatic skills, which is really beneficial for northern based research, which we are doing in our institution. Our experience has been great hosting an intern through the program. We've had the opportunity to bring Seamus on board to train him and to mentor him. And it's been a fantastic opportunity as supporting a northern student or recent grad. And on top of that too, we also got him out in the field quite a bit so he now has the capacity of fieldwork as well as some of that computer based modelling work. And so that's something that's going to be fantastic for his career. And hopefully he stays in the northern research field.

Seamus Daly In addition to winter fieldwork I've really worked a lot more with hydrology than I did in the past, which is an extremely important field of study up here. And that has really helped me meet new people, but also learn new techniques for our science studies.

Mike Palmer We applied for the green jobs funding because we were in need of somebody to help us support some of our programs in the short term, and we saw that it was a fast turnaround time. So this internship has given us the opportunity to build capacity in Aurora College, which is really important as we start to move towards our mission to become a polytechnic university. And so kind of one of the tenets of that is to build northern capacity to fulfill those positions. And this is a really great way to kind of mentor young talent.