List of Codes, Standards, and Guidance Documents

These lists were compiled as part of the environmental scan and gap analysis exercise, which concluded in early 2024. The lists follow the hydrogen value chain from production to end-use. Only elements that were formally assessed in the gap analysis were included.

The documents listed were the latest versions at the time of the gap analysis. Given the evolving nature of this sector, newer editions may have been released after the date of this publication. A mapping site with updated information and value chain classification is available at

During the gap analysis, foreign standards were identified and deemed to be potentially relevant based on the title. However, as the scopes were unavailable in English, they could not be verified. Withdrawn standards were also included as they can still be useful for historical compliance, research, maintenance, and litigation support. They provide valuable insights even after they are no longer officially active. For European standards, the main standard “EN” was included as opposed to the independent adoptions of various EU countries as each country will have their own deviations and requirements. If Canada were to adopt this standard with deviations, the main standard would be the subject of primary review.


Validated vs. Unvalidated: The lists represent all the documents identified by the task forces through the gap analysis. “Validated” indicates that an SCC-accredited SDO reviewed the documents and assessed its applicability and level of relevance to the element in question. “Unvalidated” indicates that though these standards were identified as applicable, their level of relevancy is yet to be reviewed by an SDO or their technical committees with expertise in these element areas.

Document Type: The majority of document types listed are straightforward and self-descriptive. Visit the ISO website for more information on the different types of ISO publications such as standards and technical specifications. However, a few document types may not be as familiar such as “Technical Information Letters” or “Outlines”. A “Technical Information Letter” (TIL) is an “Other Recognized Document” issued by the CSA Group to specify the technical requirements for product certification in Canada. An “Outline” is a UL Solutions product and refers to a certification document. Unlike standards developed by UL Standards & Engagement, outlines are not consensus-based documents.

Status: The status of these documents was last assessed June 19, 2024. Given the evolving nature of this sector, the status may have changed since the last review. Readers are encouraged to consult the SDO websites for the latest versions.

Rating: “Relevant” applies to all documents (especially codes, standards, and technical specifications) that include hydrogen in the scope and are directly applicable to the element in question. This also includes standards that could be revised to include hydrogen in a subsequent edition. “Informative” applies to standards or other documents that are not directly applicable to the element, but some of the content may be helpful in informing the development of a future standard and/or used as a reference.