Utility Support Stream
Currently accepting expressions of interest
A request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) has been launched on Thursday, October 10, 2024 and the Program will be accepting applications until Friday, December 13, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST. An Applicant Guide for the EOI is now available at the link below, including details on funding eligibility and how to apply. The EOI is in anticipation of a request for project proposals to be launched in the first half of 2025. SREPs will notify all applicants of their status in the EOI assessment and selected EOIs will move through to the project proposal stage. The request for proposals will only be open to applicants that participate in the EOI.
Read the EOI Applicant Guide for the Utility Support Stream
The Government of Canada recognizes that Canadian utilities and system operators are working to decarbonize their grids, better integrate Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) such as utility storage systems and microgrids, and striving to reliably meet the demands of increased electrification at the least cost to ratepayers.
The Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program’s (SREPs’) Utility Support Stream (USS) supports utilities and system operators in modernizing their systems and integrating renewables while maintaining reliability and affordability. Projects funded under the USS will:
- Improve the utilization and efficiency of existing assets;
- Increase the reliability, resiliency, and flexibility of the power system;
- Increase the integration and use of renewable resources and non-conventional infrastructure solutions;
- Generate economic and social benefits; and
- Help accommodate growing demand for clean and affordable electricity.
Current funding opportunities
A USS request for EOIs has been launched in anticipation of a request for project proposals to be launched in the first half of 2025. SREPs will notify all applicants of their status in the EOI assessment and selected EOIs will move through to the project proposal stage. The request for proposals will only be open to applicants that participate in the EOI.
For information on funding eligibility and how to apply, please review the SREPs Utility Support Stream EOI Applicant Guide.
After reviewing the Applicant Guide, if you are interested in applying, please request an EOI form by emailing sreps-erite@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.
EOIs will be accepted until December 13, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.
Future Funding Opportunities
Further USS EOIs and requests for proposals will take place over the life of the program and will have specific eligibility criteria, which may vary for each request. The SREPs distribution list will be notified when new funding opportunities are launched.
Eligible projects
Projects under the USS must be led by a utility, system operator, or an entity that demonstrates that the project will directly benefit a utility and/or system operator to meet their needs.
The USS will fund the:
- deployment of grid modernization projects; and
- utility pre-development projects.
Grid modernization deployment projects include upgrades and expansions to transmission and distribution systems, and technology upgrades which increase the future integration of clean electricity generation. USS projects will improve grid reliability, resiliency, and flexibility while improving affordability and enabling greater adoption of renewable energy. Projects can propose technologies as they see fit to meet these goals, but projects must:
- Enable decarbonization of the electricity system;
- Represent a permanent installation of equipment or a modification to existing processes, equipment, or systems for commercial operations;
- Be located in Canada and provide services or capabilities for sale or use in Canada; and
- Represent a proven technology – Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8 of aboveFootnote 1.
Utilities and system operators may apply to the USS deployment and/or the pre-development stream.
In addition to deployment projects, the USS is also providing funding for utility-led pre-development projects focused on how best to expand the electricity grid or integrate more clean electricity. Pre-development activities refer to the various planning, analysis, and assessment tasks necessary prior to the deployment of grid modernization projects or solutions, including engineering design work, feasibility studies, and other activities.
The following timeline is notional and may be subject to change.
July-September 2024
Engagement on stream requirements and design
October 10 - December 13, 2024
Accepting Requests for Expressions of Interest (deployment projects)
January-March 2025
Project Proposal Intake (deployment projects)
Focused engagements and design of future Requests for Expressions of Interest and Requests for Proposals
Contact us
Please direct questions about this stream to the SREPs Team: sreps-erite@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.
To receive USS updates by email, please send us a request with Add me to USS Distribution List in the subject line.
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