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Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program

Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program Banner

The $4.5 billion Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program (SREPs) supports the deployment of clean electricity infrastructure – such as wind turbines, solar panels, batteries and other technologies – and aims to modernize and strengthen the electricity grid to ensure a reliable, affordable and decarbonized electricity system for all Canadians.

Launched in 2021, SREPs works with provinces, territories and Indigenous Peoples to support critical regional priority projects that will reduce dependence on fossil fuel generation and create pathways for a stronger electricity grid system. The program newly incorporates transmission and distribution infrastructure into its eligibility, and continues to support grid modernization activities, energy storage, and Indigenous-led clean energy projects.

The program is currently expected to end March 31, 2036.

Funding opportunities

Critical Regional Priorities Stream

Engaging with provinces and territories

Funding to help provinces and territories decarbonize their electricity systems, with a focus on maintaining affordability and reliability.

Indigenous-Led Clean Energy Stream

Currently accepting expressions of

Funding to increase meaningful and equitable Indigenous participation in decarbonizing the electricity system

Utility Support Stream

Not currently accepting proposals

Funding for utility and system operator-led projects, such as grid modernization, technology upgrades, and upgrades and expansions to transmission and distribution systems.

Working with the Canada Infrastructure Bank

SREPs complements other federal measures supporting clean electricity projects, including the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB). The CIB has committed $10 billion in Clean Power financing to support clean electricity and clean growth infrastructure, helping to increase Canada’s energy security and address infrastructure gaps, including in Indigenous and northern communities.

SREPs coordinates with the CIB in supporting projects which are eligible for both low-cost financing from the CIB and SREPs funding.

Learn more about the CIB’s financing opportunities for Clean Power.

Results achieved to date as of September 30, 2024

Enabling clean electricity generation

  • 72 deployment projects
  • 2,700 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy capacity
  • 2,100 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy storage capacity
  • 3.1 megatons (MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions displaced per year

Supporting deployment projects with Indigenous ownership

  • 44 approved deployment projects have Indigenous ownership
  • 61% of approved deployment projects have Indigenous ownership
  • Over $850 million (M) in program contributions

Building capacity for an equitable transition

  • 72 capacity building projects
  • $103 M in program contributions
  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) plan or commitment received for every approved deployment project

View announced projects funded by the program

A map of canada showing locations of deployment and capacity building projects. Details follow

Text version
Deployment projects
Province/Territory Number of Projects
Alberta (AB) 35
British Columbia (BC) 0
Manitoba (MB) 0
National 0
New Brunswick (NB) 3
Newfoundland (NL) 0
Nova Scotia (NS) 10
Northwest Territories (NT) 0
Nunavut (NU) 1
Ontario (ON) 10
Prince Edward Island (PE) 1
Quebec (QC) 0
Saskatchewan (SK) 12
Yukon Territory (YT) 0
Grand Total 72
Capacity building projects
Province/Territory Number of Projects
AB 14
BC 13
MB 2
National 6
NB 8
NL 1
NS 6
NT 0
NU 3
ON 9
PE 2
QC 1
SK 7
YT 0
Grand Total 72
Province/Territory Capacity Installed (MW)
AB 2131
BC 0
National 0
MB 0
NB 127
NL 0
NS 532
NT 0
NU 6
ON 297
PE 0
QC 0
SK 355
YT 0
Grand Total 3448

Projects with Indigenous ownership

Pie chart: Projects with Indigenous ownership
Text version
Projects with Indigenous Ownership
Projects with Indigenous Ownership Number of Projects
Indigenous Ownership 44
No Indigenous Ownership 28
Grand Total 72

Number of approved projects by type

Solar PV - 27 projects
Wind - 18 projects
Energy Storage - 12 projects
Other - 3 projects
Grid Mondernization - 9 projects
Generation and Energy Storage - 3 projects
Text version
Project Activity Type Number of Projects
Wind 18
Solar PV 27
Other 3
Energy Storage 12
Grid Modernization 9
Generation + Energy Storage 3
Capacity Building 72
Total 144

SREPs is contributing to the achievement of federal targets and commitments related to access to clean, affordable power, non-emitting energy and greenhouse gas emission reductions. A summary of these contributions to date include:

Expand the supply of clean electricity through investments in renewable and next generation clean energy and technology

Source: Strengthened Climate Plan (A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy)


  • 2,700 MW of clean electricity being added
  • $7.3 billion in public and private investments in projects supported through the program

Expand non-emitting energy deployment and development

Source: 2030 Emission Reduction Plan: Clean Air, Strong Economy


  • $850 million in funding towards the deployment of commercially ready renewable energy technologies
  • $245 million invested in emerging technologies such as biomass and electricity storage
  • $7.3 billion in public and private investment in projects supported through the program

Increase access for Canadians to clean energy

Source: Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (2022-2026) and Departmental Results Framework

  • By 2030, 90% of Canada’s electricity generated from renewable and non-emitting sources (100% in the long term).
  • By the end of 2026, support 1000 MW of new renewable energy projects, capable of providing grid services.


2,700 MW of electricity from renewable energy projects capable of providing grid services

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Source: Canada’s Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions between 40% to 45% below 2005 levels by 2030, and
  • Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by 2050


  • Approved projects are expected to reduce GHG emissions by 3.1 MT of CO2e annually, once commissioned.

Canadian electricity generated from non-GHG emitting sources

Source: NRCan’s 2024-25 Departmental Plan

  • 100% of Canadian electricity generated from non-GHG emitting sources by January 1, 2035.
  • 15% of NRCan’s projects on innovation and sustainable development engage Indigenous communities, organizations or governments by March 31, 2025


  • 2,700 MW of added electricity generated from non-GHG emitting sources.
  • 61% of approved deployment projects have Indigenous ownership.

Contact us

Please direct questions to the SREPs Team:

To receive future program updates by email, please send us a request specifying streams of interest.

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