Emerging Renewable Power Program


The Request for Project Applications under the Emerging Renewable Power Program is now closed.

Action on Emerging Renewable Power

The Emerging Renewable Power Program (ERPP) provides up to $200 million to expand the portfolio of commercially viable renewable energy sources available to provinces and territories as they work to reduce GHG emissions from their electricity sectors.

What is the Emerging Renewable Power Program?

Emerging renewable projects face higher risks, costs and more regulatory issues than projects using established renewable energy sources.

This program mitigates the risk of emerging renewable power projects through federal government funding, allowing emerging renewables to play a larger role in Canada’s electricity supply mix.

The program will establish new industries in Canada by supporting renewable power technologies that are:

  • already established at the commercial level abroad but not yet in Canada
  • demonstrated in Canada but not yet deployed at utility scale

Project announcements

March 12, 2021: Canada Invests in Cutting-Edge Indigenous Geothermal Electricity Production Facility

November 5, 2020: Canada Makes Historic Investments in Tidal Energy in Nova Scotia

August 23, 2019: The Government of Canada announced $25.4 million in support for the Terrapin and Greenview Alberta No. 1 Geothermal project in Alberta, through the Emerging Renewable Power Program

January 24, 2019: The Government of Canada announced $15.3 million in support for the Suffield bi-facial solar project in Alberta, through the Emerging Renewable Power Program

January 11, 2019: The Government of Canada announced $25.6 million in support for the DEEP Earth Energy Production geothermal project in Saskatchewan, through the Emerging Renewable Power Program

September 20, 2018: The Government of Canada announced $29.8 million in support for the Halagonia Tidal Energy Ltd. project in Nova Scotia, through the Emerging Renewable Power Program



Project name Suffeild Solar Facility
Organization name BluEarth Renewables
Project objective Install 23 MW of bifacial solar generation capacity
Project location Alberta
Demonstration or deployment Deployment
ERPP funding/Total project costs $17,200,855/ $48,695,518
Commission date 2021-01-01
Generation (MW) 23
Expected capacity factor (%) 28
GHG reductions (tCO2e/y) 28,000
Direct Job-years 98
Program result Bifacial solar is now an established commercial technology

Contact the ERPP program for more information by email at nrcan.erpp-pere.rncan@canada.ca.


Investing in Canada: Canada’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan

Through the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan, the Government of Canada is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and Canada’s rural and northern communities.