Climate Change Adaptation Program

Aerial view of flooded cottages in Grand Lake, New Brunswick. Large ice chunks approach, propelled by wind and flood waters.

About the program

Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) $39.5 million Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP) (2022–2027) supports Canada’s regions and sectors to adapt to a changing climate. The program aims to:

  • support decision-makers in identifying and implementing adaptation actions;
  • enhance adaptation knowledge and skills among Canada’s workforce; and
  • increase access to climate change adaptation tools and resources.

The program is co-funding projects across Canada that enhance skills for adapting to climate change, advance adaptation in the natural resource sectors (forestry, mining, and energy), and expand knowledge on the economics of adaptation and on key emerging issues. Up to $15 million has been allocated for these projects.

Recognizing the disproportionate impacts of climate change on Indigenous, remote, and northern communities and the need to reduce barriers to accessing federal funding for their climate change adaptation initiatives, the program is providing up to an additional $2 million in funding specifically for Indigenous-led projects and up to a further $2.25 million for projects that support enhancing skills to meet the specific adaptation needs of the Territories.


Projects funded under the Climate Change Adaptation Program will be added to this list as they are officially announced.

Proponent Project NRCan Contribution ($) Total Project Value ($) Project Summary Province/Territory or Region
HeronBridge Consulting Inc. Building Capacity for Community Climate Resilience $231,000 $387,886 This project will build capacity among decision-makers and practitioners at the community and regional level to act on adaptation and enhance resilience. The project will develop and deliver a capacity-building program, a series of learning and dialogue sessions, and a resource guide that will target Indigenous communities and organizations and small, mid-sized, rural and remote communities in British Columbia. British Columbia
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia Development of a Climate Resiliency Training Program for Building Sector Professionals $366,841 $613,461 This project will build the capacity of building sector professionals to integrate climate change adaptation into their practice through the development and delivery of a training course and a guidance document on climate change resiliency. National
Simon Fraser University Wildfire and Forest Industry Dialogue Series $500,001 $897,898 This project will accelerate implementation of adaptation measures in the forest sector by addressing key barriers to wildfire risk reduction and landscape fire management strategies, including by developing decision support tools and guidance documents for forest industry actors. British Columbia
Fraser Basin Council Society Bolstering Community Capacity in Integrating Climate Risk into Renewable Energy Project Planning $255,118 $429,931 This project will enhance the resilience of low-carbon energy systems in Canada. Specifically focusing on biomass and solar energy, the work aims to empower communities to identify and manage climate-related risks when planning and implementing renewable energy projects. National
ESSA Technologies Ltd. Strengthening the Business Case: Information and Guidance to Value the Co-Benefits of Nature-Based Adaptation $195,955 $326,555 This project will develop a compendium of monetary values and simple guidance for the range of co-benefits arising from different nature-based solutions for reducing climate risks and enhancing the climate resilience of Canadian communities, and will conduct four Canadian case studies using these values. National
Secwepemcúl’ecw Restoration and Stewardship Society Valuing and Restoring Cultural Heritage in a Changing Climate: An Indigenous Approach to Natural Capital Valuation to Support Indigenous-led Climate Adaptation $292,800 $358,300 This project will augment traditional cumulative effects approaches by developing and applying a novel cultural ecosystem services valuation approach and conducting a holistic, Indigenous-centered cost-benefit analysis of priority climate change adaptation pathways. British Columbia
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability (Management) Inc. Using Economic Tools to Advance Adaptation $400,000 $669,100 This project will engage a wide variety of professionals seeking to apply economic tools to advance community-wide resilience and will work with them to implement and refine two existing practitioner-developed tools to support adaptation decision-making. This work will culminate in a gap assessment examining where additional guidance and support is needed. National
Fort McKay First Nation Indigenous-led Climate Adaptation Planning for Closure and Reclamation of Oil Sands Mines $366,646 $472,846 This project uses a participatory planning approach to engage oil sands operators and other key stakeholders in developing a guidance document that integrates Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science and incorporates adaptation planning into life-of-mine closure plans for oil sands mines within Fort McKay’s Traditional Territory. The initiative aims to enhance Fort McKay First Nation’s climate resilience and inform regional planning initiatives on closure and reclamation, advancing sustainable solutions for future generations of the Nation. Alberta
City of Calgary Alberta Climate-Ready Homes $450,000 $946,500 This project will analyze climate risks and associated adaptation measures for the residential sector in urban Alberta. This work will include a cost-benefit analysis of the top adaptation measures identified, and results from this analysis will inform the development of a framework for a residential climate resilience incentive program. Alberta
Touchwood Agency Tribal Council Touchwood Agency Tribal Council (TATC): A Toolkit for Climate Change Adaptation Decision-Making $295,500 $567,500 This project will provide culturally relevant resources and mentorship to assist decision-makers and communities of the Touchwood Agency Tribal Council in assessing the feasibility of implementing adaptation projects. Saskatchewan
File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Initiative on Adaptation Action $430,166 $501,478 This project will explore the experience, knowledge, setbacks, and challenges that File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) Member Nations have experienced over the past years regarding climate change adaptation planning and implementation. Saskatchewan
The Resilience Institute Expanding Our Understanding of Meaningful Engagement and Advancing Community-relevant Approaches to Climate Adaptation in Small, Rural and Indigenous Communities Across Canada $350,330 $592,005 This project will expand understanding of equitable and meaningful engagement and advance community-relevant approaches to climate change adaptation, with a particular focus on co-developing and co-implementing climate resilience programming in small, rural, and Indigenous communities across Canada. National
ClimateWest Climate Ready Prairies $599,994 $1,268,144 This project will increase the capacity of leaders in business, Indigenous communities, all orders of government, adaptation professionals, non-profits and others across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba to overcome behavioural, social and cultural barriers to climate change adaptation action through the development of a communications and engagement training guide and through the delivery of hybrid training events for a diverse audience. Prairies
University of Winnipeg Maximizing Pathways to Forest Sector Adaptation by Reducing Barriers for Small Enterprise $187,127 $419,714 This project team will conduct research and develop tools to support climate change adaptation actions by small-to-medium-sized enterprises operating in the forest sector. National
University of Waterloo Accelerating Climate Change Education for the Next Generation of Professionals $870,000 $1,458, 827 This Project will accelerate the integration of climate change adaptation knowledge and skills into professional degree programs in Canada, including engineering, accounting, architecture and planning, by designing and integrating new climate change adaptation curriculum into University of Waterloo programs and establishing a national forum for integrating adaptation curriculum into other programs.  National
McMaster University Guidelines for integration of climate data in electricity system planning and design $721,750 $1,378,474 This project will produce a series of reports supported by associated workshops, decision guides, and job aids designed to support practitioners in Canada’s electricity sector to incorporate climate change data and analysis into their work. Ontario
Canadian Water Network Integrating Adaptation Considerations into Municipal Water and Infrastructure Long-term Planning $699,070 $1,156,000 This project will build the capacity and knowledge of urban water management professionals by adapting international guidance, principles, and practices into guidance tailored for Canada. It will also enhance access to adaptation resources, tools, and approaches by convening professional networks nationally and internationally to foster peer to peer learning.   National
Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement Accelerating climate adaptation: equipping decision makers in communities with leading equitable adaptation practices $539,316 $829,816 This project will identify climate change adaptation actions that are working for communities, with a focus on assessing how communities are successfully moving from adaptation planning to action, better understanding the unintended outcomes and co-benefits from these actions, as well as exploring the social justice, equity, and intersectionality considerations related to adaptation strategies. National
UN Global Compact Network Canada Corporate climate adaptation and community impact: an intersectional approach $523,274 $877,055 This project will analyze and address the intersectional impacts of corporate adaptation actions on local communities. This includes identifying barriers, drivers, and enablers of effective corporate adaptation actions for community climate resilience and exploring intended and unintended outcomes of these actions within diverse local communities.  National
Electric Power Research Institute International Inc., Canada Prioritizing Climate Adaptation Investments across the Ontario Electric Sector $450,000 $947,500 This project will provide detailed guidance on how to assess the costs and benefits of climate impacts and adaptation in the electric sector to support the prioritization of adaptation investments for energy companies, using Ontario as a case study. Ontario
University of Waterloo Building disaster resilience across Canadian business supply chains $300,000 $514,058 This project will map, co-develop, and test multi-hazard adaptation and disaster risk reduction tools with Canadian businesses for recognizing, planning, and investing in disaster resilience and adaptation along supply chains in Canada and abroad. National, International
Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Building Capacity through Professional Development Opportunities for Canadian Landscape Architects $230,000 $384,450 This project will build the capacity of landscape architects across Canada to integrate climate change adaptation in their professional practice through the development of tools, training, and communication resources tailored specifically for the profession. National
Climes Group Engineering Inc. Climate Hazard and Response Tool (CHART) – Piloting a Climate Risk Prioritization Program for Low-Rise Residential Buildings $229,860 $413,220 This project will develop a climate change adaptation decision support tool and training program to enhance the climate resilience of low-rise residential buildings. The tool will be used by Energy Advisors to identify vulnerabilities in building systems and suggest climate change adaptation measures for building owners. National
CLIMAtlantic Building an Atlantic Canada Adaptation Skills & Training Program $875,000 $1,781,747 This project will strengthen climate change adaptation knowledge and skills of practitioners in the Atlantic Region and broaden the reach and use of existing resources by offering training and development opportunities, including a multi-module course, and implementing a cohort-based model to support collaborative, peer-to-peer learning in communities of practice. Atlantic
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Building the business case for flood adaptation $350,000 $674,224 This Project will strengthen the business case for investing in climate change adaptation in Newfoundland and Labrador. Focusing on coastal and inland flooding, the project will develop a publicly available, standardized, objective and time-sensitive cost-benefit analysis tool to support decision makers in prioritizing adaptation actions. Newfoundland and Labrador
Nada Conseils Inc. Economic analyses of wildfire adaptation measures for Quebec $750,000 $1,332,776 This project aims to quantify the economic costs associated with wildfires in Quebec in the context of climate change and to assess the profitability of various adaptation measures using cost-benefit analyses. Quebec
Ouranos Post-2100 climate change scenarios: Mining sector case study $290,410 $486,146 This project will develop post-2100 climate scenarios that map possible futures for the province of Quebec, as well as broader climate scenarios for the rest of the country. The project will use these climate scenarios to develop case studies for informing adaptation decision-making in the mining sector. Quebec
Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines Toward a resilient future: How sharing and collaboration support adaptation $194,104 $361,374 This project will bring together professionals, including engineers, urban planners, landscape architects and accountants, and municipal stakeholders to share knowledge on best practices for adapting urban infrastructure climate change. Quebec
Conseil régional de l'environnement Chaudière-Appalaches Guette ta glace $165,255 $434,455 This project will mobilize and support municipalities in implementing effective climate change adaptation measures in their communities and provide them with access to climate change adaptation tools and resources. Quebec
?ehdzo Got’ı?nę Gots’ę́Nákedı (Sahtú Renewable Resources Board) A Century of Petroleum Extraction at Tłegǫ́hłi ̨ (Norman Wells): Integrating Climate Change Resilience into Site Closure and Reclamation $354,046 $354,046

This project will evaluate existing research on drilling sumps to identify and define the risks associated with the mobility of contaminants. The project will include the development of land reclamation guidance aimed at re-establishing safe conditions for land use by the Sahtú Dene and Métis communities, taking into account the impacts of current and future climate change.

Northwest Territories
Government of Yukon Sustainable Communities Forum $747,250 $902,250 This project will build capacity among professionals and decision-makers in Yukon municipalities and First Nations to plan and implement adaptation actions that enhance climate resilience. The project will deliver a semi-annual forum where senior leadership and technical staff from Yukon municipal governments and First Nations will come together to build skills and knowledge on climate change adaptation and build sustainable communities.   Yukon
Government of British Columbia Economic analysis tool for climate change adaptation in transportation planning $150,000 $271,500 This project will develop an economic analysis tool to support decision-making in the implementation of climate change adaptation and resilience measures for transportation projects. This tool will combine multiple analytical approaches to predict financial, environmental, social, and technical mechanisms and outcomes. National
University of Guelph The Climate Ready Mine: Enhancing Post-Closure Adaptive Capacity of Giant Mine, NWT $466,438 $782,038 This project will increase climate change adaptation knowledge and capacity among mining professionals, decision-makers, rights-holders and others through a climate change risk assessment of the Giant Mine Remediation Project in the Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories
Government of Northwest Territories Adaptation and Preparedness Training NWT $687,600 $1,090,100 This project will increase the workforce capacity of the Northwest Territories (NWT) to plan for and respond to climate impacts by increasing access to adaptation training resources and educational materials tailored to the northern context and including an Indigenous perspective. The project will develop and deliver a series of webinars and courses targeting various audiences, including NWT professionals and practitioners, Indigenous governments and organizations, local governments, and elected officials. Northwest Territories
Government of Nunavut Climate Change Training Course for Nunavut Decision Makers (Phase 1) $143,750 $183,750 This project will deliver online training that enhances knowledge and skills of climate change impacts and adaptation among Government of Nunavut employees, municipalities, Inuit Organizations, and other target audiences across Nunavut. Nunavut
Climate Risk Institute CanAdapt: Advancing a Climate-Ready Workforce through Courses and Networks



This project will support the development of a skilled adaptation workforce by making relevant education and training opportunities, resources and networks more accessible through the enhancement of a centralized capacity-building portal and practitioner networks to assist adaptation professionals in building and mobilizing knowledge. Northern Ontario
Climate Risk Institute Professions Advancing Adaptation Competencies (PAAC): An Initiative of Canada’s National Engineering, Planning, Accounting, and Landscape Architecture Associations $442,851 $750,711 This project will develop recommendations for national professional associations to integrate climate change adaptation competencies into the profiles and responsibilities of specific professions. It will also develop profession-specific guides, webinars and other marketing and outreach activities to promote the recommendations. Northern Ontario
Canadian Institute of Forestry Development of a National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Professional Development Program for Forest Professionals



This project will build the capacity of forestry professionals in Canada by developing and delivering a climate change adaptation multi-module course, and leveraging existing resources and knowledge. Northern Ontario
Laurentian University Partnership for Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation GeoHub and Microcredential Capacity Building Tools $546,195 $906,684 This project will, in collaboration with First Nations, increase the capacity of staff in First Nation communities and Councils to conduct community-based climate change impact and risk assessments and adaptation planning and action by completing the online Partnership for Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation (PICCA) GeoHub. Northern Ontario
Climate Risk Institute Analysis and Reporting on Lessons Learned from Adaptation $259,045 $429,927 This project will empower decision-makers and practitioners in natural resource sectors to advance adaptation in different sectors and regions through knowledge and tools that highlight lessons learned from previously implemented adaptation actions. Lessons learned will focus on drivers and enablers of successful progression from planning to the implementation of adaptation actions, including best practices for overcoming barriers. Northern Ontario


The Climate Change Adaptation Program builds on more than 25 years of NRCan programming.

2017 – 2022 Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) ($18M)
2016 – 2021 Increase resilience of industry and communities to a changing climate ($28M)
2011 – 2016 Enhancing Competitiveness in a Changing Climate ($35M)
2007 – 2012 Regional Adaptation Collaborative (RAC) and Tools programs ($51M)
2001 – 2006 Climate Change Impacts & Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN) Research Programs ($37.5M)
1998 – 2001 Federal Science, Impacts and Adaptation programming ($7.5M)

Explore hundreds of reports, tools, videos and websites that were developed with the support of these programs.

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