Postdoctoral Research Program

Natural Resources Canada, in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Health Canada & Public Health Agency of Canada is looking for recent graduates in a field of natural sciences to join the Postdoctoral Research Program.

The Postdoctoral Research Program provides scientists, who have recently obtained a doctoral degree in a field of natural sciences, with the opportunity to work with research groups or leaders in Canadian government laboratories and research institutions located across Canada. In turn, the Government of Canada benefits from new and emerging talent.

Federal research scientists contribute to strategic decisions, policies, regulations and programs by providing a sound scientific knowledge base through their research. Research scientists perform their work in pursuance of departmental mandates in order to attain specified outcomes and to conceptualize, identify, formulate and set in motion new outcomes in delivering programs, meeting the future needs of the department.

Successful candidates will be hired as term Scientific Research (SE-RES) employees. To view the salary scale, please refer to the SE sub-group – Scientific Research SE-RES.


We are looking for candidates who have graduated within the last 3 (three) years* with a doctoral degree in a field of natural sciences.

*Special consideration may be given to applicants who were unable to apply during the 3-year period, due to a significant career interruption or delay. If this concerns your eligibility to the program, please contact the PRP Mailbox (

Applications will be accepted if applicants are currently enrolled in a doctoral program at a recognized post-secondary institution; however, candidates must meet the education requirements in order to be appointed to a position.

Candidates with foreign credentials (obtained outside of Canada) must provide proof of Canadian equivalency.

How it works

Eligible candidates are included in an inventory that is accessible to hiring managers from participating federal organizations.

When there are vacancies to be filled, hiring managers use the inventory to identify candidates with the required specializations and experience. Hiring managers then contact and assess successful candidates.

Apply Now

Success story

In August 2021, Postdoctoral Research Scientist Dr. Jaime Cesar Colmenares accepted the Emerging Investigator Series award from the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC). This award recognizes early career excellence that brings new insights into the field of geochemistry or promotes geochemical applications.

Jaime has been a Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Organic Geochemistry and Petrology Section of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) in Calgary since 2020. He obtained a B.Sc. in geochemistry from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and holds a PhD in organic and isotope geochemistry from Curtin University in Australia.

As for his advice for other postdoctoral researchers at NRCan:

“Building a career feels like you are always projecting to the future, but do not forget the present. Enjoy the experiment that turns out amazing and the ones that fail, too. Science is a service. In everything you do, always consider how you are helping others with that. Ah, and this is a word we seldom write in our papers: trust! In supervisors, the lab staff, yourself and the science. Trust is key.”

Congratulations Jaime!