Canada-China: Expanding Partnerships

June 3-10 2017

Message from Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources

China and Canada have long enjoyed a special bond, and the recent visits to China by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and to Canada by Premier Li Keqiang in the fall of 2016 have demonstrated a renewed commitment to our relationship.

Our connection flourishes through the bonds of family and the ties of commerce. China is Canada’s second-largest trading partner and a major investor in Canada’s resource industries. Half of China’s imports from Canada are resource-related, including more than $4 billion worth of trade in minerals and metals, and China is Canada’s second-largest market for forest products. Canada is also poised to increase energy and clean technology exports that will help China realize its goals for economic growth and the environment.

The message of this mission is very simple: Canada is open for business, and we look forward to taking our trade and investment relationship with China to the next level. Through this handbook, I am pleased to introduce a truly impressive delegation of senior industry and provincial representatives and Indigenous leaders. They embody Canada’s innovative spirit and global leadership in the areas of clean technology, wood products and energy.

As the world undertakes the historic transition to a lower-carbon future, Canada and China are natural partners. Sharing our experience, insights and expertise will enable both countries to build the economic prosperity we seek while preserving the environment we cherish.

The Honourable Jim Carr, P.C., M.P.
Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources

Message from the Ambassador of Canada to China

A warm welcome to my friend and former colleague, Minister Jim Carr, and to his impressive delegation of industry, provincial and Indigenous leaders.

This mission comes at the best possible time: a rare moment when the governments of China and Canada are equally serious in wanting to move forward in concrete ways to strengthen the ties between our two countries.

Canada’s natural resource wealth is the backbone of today’s economy and tomorrow’s clean growth. China needs Canada’s natural resources, and it seeks to draw on Canada’s expertise and innovation to foster clean growth and achieve its environmental goals. Canada needs China, one of the largest and fastest-growing economies in the world, to sell our products and innovative ideas and to create jobs at home.

So the moment to expand partnerships and act on investment projects is right now. Minister Carr’s delegation is well placed to seize these opportunities, and we at the embassy are keen to support their pursuits in any way we can.

The Honourable John McCallum
Ambassador of Canada to China

Provincial/Territorial Governments

British Columbia

Value Proposition

The British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is responsible for stewardship of provincial Crown land and natural resources, and protection of B.C.’s archaeological and heritage resources. The ministry ensures sustainable management of forests and mineral and land-based resources and supports activities that provide economic and environmental benefits.

Business Interests

China is B.C.’s second-largest market for forest products. Together with industry and the federal government, the Government of B.C. is working to advance the market for wood in China.

New Brunswick  

Value Proposition

The New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development is responsible for the effective and responsible development and regulation of energy, mineral and petroleum resources, as well as Crown lands, forests and the fish and wildlife sectors.

Business Interests

Fostering a mutually beneficial relationship and dialogue to share experiences and to identify and develop potential opportunities in natural resources, including trade, technology and commerce.


Value Proposition

The Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks supervises and plans the management of public forests in the province of Quebec. It supports the forest industry by making wood available to companies through supply guarantees and auctions. Through its forest regime of environmentally friendly practices, the ministry is a world leader in sustainable forest management.

Business Interests

The ministry promotes the forest products industry in Quebec and supports Quebec companies creating partnerships in export markets. China must be given priority attention.

National Indigenous Organizations

Métis National Council


Value Proposition

The MNC as the governmental institution of the Métis Nation actively represents the Métis Nation internationally, including the pursuit of trade, investment and tourism opportunities for Métis businesses and communities. A number of its Governing Members (provincial affiliates) have established or are considering joint ventures with Chinese firms in areas such as energy-efficient housing and construction. The MNC seeks to open doors and promote mutually beneficial economic and cultural relations with China.

Business Interests

MNC promotes trade, investment and tourism opportunities for Métis businesses and communities.

Assembly of First Nations

Government of Canada Corporations

Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)

Export Development Canada (EDC)

Clean Technology Sector

Alter NRG Plasma Gasification

Value Proposition

Alter NRG Plasma Gasification enables the conversion of multiple waste streams (e.g. MSW, hazardous, industrial) into synthesis gas (syngas) that can be used in high-efficiency gas turbines, liquid fuels technologies, fuel cells and the creation of renewable hydrogen.

Business Interests

We would like to accelerate further adoption of our plasma gasification technology in China.

Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)


Value Proposition

The Building Owners and Managers Association’s flagship environmental program, BOMA BEST, focuses exclusively on the sustainability of existing buildings. Already driving operational and technological improvements in thousands of Canadian buildings, it is now available internationally. BOMA BEST is poised to be a Canadian sustainability champion on the global stage.

Business Interests

BOMA BEST is in discussions to expand into China. Being part of the minister-led delegation and networking with Canadian firms would assist us, too.

Canadian Council on Renewable Electricity


Value Proposition

The Canadian Council on Renewable Electricity educates and engages Canadians to build support for increased development of our abundant renewable electricity resources to further decarbonize North America’s energy system.

The founding members are the Canadian Hydropower Association, Canadian Solar Industries Association, Canadian Wind Energy Association, and Marine Renewables Canada.

Business Interests

To champion Canada’s clean energy leadership and highlight leading practices and policies that are enabling renewable electricity to contribute to climate action and clean growth.

Clean Energy Canada 


Value Proposition

Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy think tank within the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University and works to accelerate our nation’s transition to clean and renewable energy systems. We conduct original research, host dialogues and aim to inspire and inform policy leadership.

Business Interests

To visit renewable, electric vehicle and energy technology companies to learn about what they do and their assessment of future growth and opportunities in China and globally.


Value Proposition

The BeCool electricity-producing air conditioner allows property managers to improve building performance, reduce operating costs and provide premium backup power to tenants. Deployed as a smart demand and capacity management tool, natural gas and electric grid operators can profit from these interconnected, high-efficiency, low-carbon, dispatchable, distributed generation systems.

Business Interests

Establish investment, research, development and commercialization partnerships with local companies. Develop understanding of and plan for regulatory incentives, policy and compliance.



Value Proposition

In June 2016, GHGSat launched the world’s first satellite capable of measuring greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and CH4) from any industrial facility in the world. GHGSat is using this unique satellite to provide affordable and accurate greenhouse gas emissions monitoring data and services globally.

Business Interests

As the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China is one of our key markets globally.

Hi-Velocity Systems

Value Proposition

The Hi-Velocity System is an energy-efficient air delivery system that can be designed to provide heating, cooling, filtration, ventilation, humidification and dehumidification. The Hi-Velocity SDHV (Small Duct High Velocity) System works on the principle of pressure rather than air velocity.

Business Interests

We established a representative office in China with TAK International last year. We hope to raise the profile of our product.

NB Power


Value Proposition

NB Power’s history of providing customers innovative energy solutions includes operation of the world’s first CANDU 6 nuclear facility, creation of the first HVDC interconnect, and implementation of the world’s leading virtual power plant. Its Energy Smart NB smart grid program is now forging the path to a low carbon future.

Business Interests

We hope to gain key contacts in China to explore SmartGrid synergies and related technologies and to optimize the adoption of clean distributed energy on our respective grids

Nu-Air Ventilation Systems Inc.

Value Proposition

Nu-Air delivers what we all need to survive and thrive: clean, healthy air! Because air quality is the number one health concern in major cities around the world, Nu-Air’s family of innovative ventilation solutions has never been in such high demand. Conserve energy and your health by contacting Nu-Air today!

Business Interests

To grow distribution – air quality is a vital issue in China. To help builders and distributors offer a healthy indoor environment with quality Canadian-made goods.



Value Proposition

SimpTek is an innovative technology company that offers a new platform to help utilities prepare for a changing future by improving engagement with their customers and helps property owners and their tenants better understand and manage energy usage. Housed on-site or in the cloud, the SimpTek platform and dashboard use big data analytics to create a bridge that enhances customer engagement and uncovers new insights on energy consumption.

Business Interests

We are looking to explore collaborative opportunities to share innovation and the use of Big Data analytics in energy efficiency and to reduce peak demands from the consumers.


Value Proposition

A global leader in waterproofing and air and thermal insulation solutions for buildings, Soprema is well-positioned to solve energy-saving challenges in the construction industry. Soprema’s R&D in Canada and our 50 manufacturing facilities worldwide (one in China) give us the tools to stay on the cutting edge of innovation.

Business Interests

In China since 1999, Soprema implemented our technologies in the Sino-Canadian Eco-district project in Tianjin. We wish to promote new solutions for this project.

Superior Radiant Products


Value Proposition

SRP Group is known as a global organization at the forefront of infrared technology and design. A proven track record and disciplined management have led to sustainable growth and increased profitability.

Business Interests

To meet potential companies to introduce our energy efficiency products and develop relationships for establishing our products in the market.

Wood Products Sector

Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA)

Value Proposition

The Alberta Forest Products Association represents over 25 forest products companies operating in the province of Alberta, Canada. Member companies produce dimensional lumber, pulp, paper, OSB, plywood, pellets and engineered wood products. Alberta’s forest products sector is a CAN$5 billion per year industry.

Business Interests

China has been an important market for Alberta’s forest products for over 25 years. Member companies would like to build on past market successes.

AmeriCan Structures

Canada Wood Group


Value Proposition

We lay the groundwork for our industry’s success by carrying out long-term market development work to promote our products and building technologies while removing barriers for Canadian wood products.

Business Interests

This mission can help advance business opportunities by removing code-related barriers, advancing policy development and promoting Canadian products and knowledge.

Canfor Corporation

Value Proposition

Canfor is one of the world’s largest producers of sustainable forest products. We are leaders in serving the growing Chinese market for wood products. Our success in diversifying our product offering strengthens our position to meet Chinese customers’ needs with products such as specialty wood products and metric-sized lumber.

Business Interests

We are committed to growing our business in China and in particular with a focus on high-value products.

Conifex Timber Inc.

Value Proposition

Conifex Timber Inc. manufactures Spruce-Pine-Fir dimension lumber at two sawmill complexes in the northern interior region of British Columbia, supported by independently certified and sustainable harvest practices. Our objective is to provide products that fully meet quality specifications on a timely and cost-competitive basis.

Business Interests

Since customers in China account for an important portion of total shipments, Conifex hopes to expand and diversify its customer base in China.

Council of Forest Industries (COFI)


Value Proposition

The Council of Forest Industries is the voice of the B.C. interior forest industry. COFI members produce lumber, pulp and paper, panels and engineered wood products at more than 60 facilities across the interior. All share a commitment to a future based on employee safety, sustainable forestry and manufacturing practices, and innovative product development.

Business Interests

To continue to build relationships and expand market opportunities for B.C.’s high-quality wood products.

Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)

Value Proposition

FPAC provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. We represent one of Canada’s largest employment sectors, operating in over 200 forest-dependent communities from coast to coast; directly employing 230,000 Canadians and almost 1 million indirectly.

Business Interests

Diversification of markets and product lines is critical to the future success of our industry. China presents a real opportunity.

Forestry Innovation Investment (FII)

Value Proposition

Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) is the provincial agency charged with maintaining, creating and diversifying markets for B.C. forest products. FII supports the forest sector to bring advanced wood products and technologies to market; promote forest management practices; and leverage the province’s resources to ensure that the forest sector continues to be a key contributor to the economy.

Business Interests

China is B.C.’s second-largest market for lumber and a priority for both the B.C. forest sector and the Province of B.C. FII has worked to advance wood use and diversify B.C. lumber exports in China since 2004.



Value Proposition

FPInnovations is a not-for-profit world leader that specializes in scientific solutions to support the Canadian forest sector’s global competitiveness and the priority needs of its industry members and government partners. It is ideally positioned to perform research, innovate, and deliver state-of-the-art solutions for every area of the sector’s value chain, from forest operations to consumer and industrial products.

Business Interests

China is the second biggest market for Canadian forest products (US$5B/yr). We will use this mission to explore new ways of expanding into this growing market.

Groupe Lebel

Value Proposition

One of eastern Canada’s leading lumber manufacturers, Groupe Lebel is a vertically integrated company, from cut logs to the distribution of finished products. The company’s operations include sawmills, wood treating and value-added plants.

Business Interests

We would like to diversify our exports by exploring the market opportunities in China.


Value Proposition

With operations across North America and customers around the globe, Interfor is one of the world’s largest lumber providers. With annual capacity of 3 billion board feet from world-class facilities, we serve the needs of customers with a diverse range of commodity and specialty lumber products.

Business Interests

Interfor is looking to build on our long-standing business relationships in China to increase the volume and profile of products sold to that market.


Matériaux Blanchet

Nordic Structures


Value Proposition

Nordic Structures, part of the Chantiers Chibougamau group, is a leading wood structure supplier in North America, responsible for implementing cost-effective and optimized massive timber in commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-unit construction. The company offers a wide range of products, such as I-joist, glulam and cross-laminated timber (CLT).

Business Interests

Nordic Structures is interested in exploring the potential of the Chinese market for massive timber structural solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of construction.

Quebec Forest Industry Council

Quebec Wood Export Bureau (QWEB)

Value Proposition

The Quebec Wood Export Bureau (QWEB) is a non-profit organization created in 1996 whose mission is to develop export markets for wood products from Quebec, ensure market access and promote the use of wood in all markets. QWEB has about 125 export companies.

Business Interests

Maintain and increase market share for wood products from Quebec. Promote wood frame construction technologies.

West Fraser

Value Proposition

West Fraser is an integrated forest company with operations in Western Canada and the Southeast United States. As the largest lumber producer in North America, we offer lumber and pulp products to customers throughout China.

Business Interests

West Fraser has been selling lumber and pulp in China for many years, and we view the market as strategic to our continued growth. We are most interested in diversifying our business from construction to other sectors such as wood frame and furniture.

Energy Sector

BC LNG Alliance


Value Proposition

The BC LNG Alliance is the common voice for the province’s leading LNG project proponents. We foster a safe, environmentally and socially responsible LNG industry that is globally competitive. We provide First Nations and British Columbians with reliable information on LNG, our operations and the opportunities of the industry.

Business Interests

Most of B.C.’s liquefied natural gas will be sold to Asian markets, and China will be a key market for the BC LNG industry.

Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

First Nations LNG Alliance


Value Proposition

The FNLNG Alliance is a collective of First Nations that participates in and supports sustainable LNG development in British Columbia; works to increase positive LNG dialogue and communicates FN messages directly to FN audiences; communicates balanced LNG information; and provides a venue for pro-development nations to interact and to share knowledge and resources. Acting as an advocate of First Nations, we provide research and in-depth insight into the many issues and concerns surrounding LNG development in B.C.

Business Interests

The FNLNG Alliance would like to assist in promoting LNG and foster business opportunities in the natural resources sector.

Huu-ay-aht First Nations


Value Proposition

The Huu-ay-aht First Nations (HFN) is an Indigenous community located in British Columbia, Canada. HFN has a modern treaty with the federal and provincial governments for ownership and control over its traditional land and resources.

Business Interests

The Huu-ay-aht First Nations owns and operates businesses related to the forestry and fisheries industries including harvest and value-added operations. It is also a co-management partner on the development of a liquefied natural gas facility on its lands in B.C., Canada.

International CCS Knowledge Centre

Value Proposition

The International CCS Knowledge Centre aims to advance the understanding and use of CCS as a means of managing greenhouse gas emissions. Policy / economics, capacity building, and financing considerations enable a CCS projects to start. The Knowledge Centre will facilitate deployment of CCS projects and transfer Canadian technological know-how.

Business Interests

We work with NDRC to facilitate a federal CCS joint declaration; we are helping shape a provincial commitment; and signing MOUs with leading CCS partners.

MEG Energy Corp.


Value Proposition

MEG Energy Corp is a Canadian oil sands company focused on sustainable in situ development and production in the southern Athabasca oil sands region of Alberta. MEG has acquired a large, high-quality resource base – that we believe holds some of the best in situ resources in Alberta.

Business Interests

It is of paramount importance for the industry, and the Canadian economy as a whole, that our natural resources can access diverse markets.

Pacific Future Energy


Value Proposition

Pacific Future Energy is planning to build and operate a 200,000 bpd, technologically advanced bitumen-to-fuels refinery and associated infrastructure in northwestern British Columbia to facilitate the opening of world markets to Canadian oil and gas products. The refinery’s location provides optimal access to Asian destinations via shorter Great Circle routes.

Business Interests

We want to collaborate with Asian stakeholders to help finance and build our refinery, while providing refined products such as diesel and gasoline.

Seven Generations

Value Proposition

Seven Generations Energy Ltd. is an independent, publicly traded energy company focused on the development of natural gas resource plays. It is distinguished by the quality of its liquids-rich asset, large resource size, desirable location and market access, strong operational control, proven and innovative technical execution and unique operating approaches.

Business Interests

Seven Generations Energy is focused on serving stakeholders. Its abundant, environmentally friendly, low-cost natural gas can help serve China’s energy needs for decades.

SNC-Lavalin/Candu Energy Inc.


Value Proposition

SNC-Lavalin played a pioneering role in developing the nuclear industry in Canada since the 1960s and is the designer and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for CANDU reactors. We oversee new-build nuclear power plants, major refurbishments and life extensions and offer specialized services in safety analysis, decommissioning and waste management.

Business Interests

We have been working with China National Nuclear corporation to further the develop the advanced fuel CANDU reactor for depolyment in China.

Steelhead LNG


Value Proposition

Steelhead LNG is a Canadian energy company developing LNG export terminals with a potential build-out of up to 30 mtpa of LNG. Our At-Shore LNG™ facility design, combined with Western Canada’s abundant, low-cost natural gas, positions Steelhead LNG to become a leading supplier of competitively priced LNG to China.

Business Interests

China has a large, growing economy with significant new industrial and power demands. We look forward to speaking with Chinese customers looking for cleaner energy options.


Value Proposition

Teck is a diversified resource company committed to responsible mining and mineral development with major business units focused on copper, steelmaking coal, zinc and energy. The pursuit of sustainability guides our approach to business. We are building partnerships and capacity to confront sustainability challenges within the regions in which we operate.

Business Interests

Over 20% of Teck’s revenue currently comes from Chinese markets. China Investment Corporation is our biggest single shareholder. We hope to have deeper understanding of China.

Suncor Energy

Value Proposition

Suncor Energy is Canada's leading integrated energy company. Suncor's operations include oil sands development and upgrading, offshore oil and gas production, petroleum refining, and product marketing under the Petro-Canada brand. Suncor is working to responsibly develop petroleum resources while also growing a renewable energy portfolio.

Business Interests

Suncor supports business / government interchange to build strategic relationships for our business. This mission will facilitate improved understanding for all in Canada’s energy sector.