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Energy Innovation Program – Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration component (Voted)

General information
Name of transfer payment program Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program (Voted)
Start date April 14, 2016
End date March 31, 2029
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2016-17
Strategic Outcome 2. Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible
Link to the department’s Program Alignment Architecture 2.2 – Technology Innovation > 2.2.3 – Clean Energy Science and Technology

The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration component supports the demonstration of next-generation electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Canada.

Phase I of the EVID Program will undertake demonstration projects and Front End Engineering Design (FEED) studies to reduce the costs, understand the impacts and address potential hurdles for the deployment of next-generation charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

The EVID Program utilizes conditionally repayable contributions, based on the profits being generated.

Results achieved

In 2017-18 EVID Phase I funded 10 demonstration projects that aim to reduce the cost, improve the performance and charging speed for charging stations, improve the functionality of network management systems for electric vehicle infrastructure, and address grid integration issues.

To date, progress has been made in addressing barriers to the implementation of charging infrastructure in multi-unit residential buildings, in urban centers and at workplaces.

Two projects have completed their work objectives CrossChasm’s Enhanced Charging Infrastructure via Vehicle-Side Data demonstration project and the British Columbia Institute of Technology‘s (BCIT) Next Generation Infrastructure Charging Infrastructure demonstration.

Phase II of EVID Program will support projects that address barriers to the deployment of innovative and next-generation charging solutions. The Program will receive $30 million over 4 years, starting in 2018. In 2017-18, the Program received a total of 81 expressions of interest (EOI’s) which led to the submission of 42 proposals. The EVID Program is currently reviewing proposals and will select projects during Summer 2018.

Comments on variances The EVID Program received approval for an ARLU re-profile request in the amount of $13.8M to address unforeseen project delays and cancellations which addresses the majority of the reported spending variance. Compared to the Total Authorities Available for use ($35.7M), EVID Phase 1 lapsed $1.7M in FY 2017-18.
Audits completed or planned No internal audits were conducted in 2017-18. A joint internal audit and evaluation on Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative is planned for 2018-19.
Evaluations completed or planned

As per the 2017-18 Departmental Evaluation Plan, an evaluation of the eco-Energy Innovation Initiative (eco-EII) Energy Innovation Program is currently being undertaken. It is expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2018-19.

An evaluation on the Deployment of Electric Vehicles and Alternative Transportation Fuels is planned for 2020-21 and an evaluation on the EVID is planned for 2021-22. In addition, a joint internal audit and evaluation on Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative is planned for 2018-19 as well.

Engagement of applicants and recipients The program conducted extensive engagement with industry, associations, Provinces and Territories, and research and policy groups to help inform the scope of calls for proposals including: bilateral engagement with Provinces and Territories to identify priorities; leveraging pan-Canadian stakeholder consultations to confirm barriers and technological challenges for Electric Vehicle infrastructure; and outreach at national and international stakeholder conferences and fora. Requests for project proposals were solicited from a broad range of eligible recipients such as industry, academia and consortia via open, advertised calls for EOIs; and non-advertised direct requests for proposals resulting from the call for EOIs.
Performance information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2015‑16 Actual spending 2016‑17 Actual spending 2017‑18 Planned spending 2017‑18 Total authorities available for use 2017‑18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017‑18 actual minus 2017‑18 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 875,000 35,700,000 37,187,000 21,670,715 (14,029,285)
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 0 875,000 35,700,000 37,187,000 21,670,715 (14,029,285)

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