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Administrative Burden Baseline: Update 2023

In its Red Tape Reduction Action Plan, the Government committed to build on the efforts of the Paperwork Burden Reduction Initiative by requiring departments, through the Administrative Burden Baseline, to provide a count of the requirements in federal regulations that impose an administrative burden on business.

Please see the Government of Canada Administrative Baseline Burden page for more information.

All federal regulations administered by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) that impose an administrative burden on business are identified below. In 2022, the total count was lowered by 190 with repeal and replacement of old regulations. The total 2023 count is 4208, which is a total net increase by 8 from the total 2022 count of 4200.

The total June 30, 2014 baseline count was 4507. Between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, NRCan’s total of administrative burden changed as results of the new requirements in the amendments to the Explosives Regulations, 2013 to and the Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016.

The amendment to the Explosives Regulations, 2013 added 2 new reporting requirements for Tier 3 restricted components: Acetone, and Ammonium nitrate and Calcium ammonium nitrate in cold packs.

Amendment 17 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 added 6 new cold climate testing requirements for single package central heat pumps.

Baseline Count
Title of the regulation SOR Number 2023 Count
Newfoundland Offshore Area Oil and Gas Operations Regulations 88-347 4
Newfoundland Offshore Area Petroleum Geophysical Operations Regulations 95-334 200
Newfoundland Offshore Area Registration Regulations 88-263 3
Newfoundland Offshore Certificate of Fitness Regulations 95-100 15
Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Drilling and Production Regulations 2009-316 138
Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Installations Regulations 95-104 19
Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Installations Regulations 95-191 19
Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Geophysical Operations Regulations 95-144 200
Nova Scotia Offshore Certificate of Fitness Regulations 95-187 15
Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Drilling and Production Regulations 2009-317 138
Canada Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Regulations 2009-315 139
Canada Oil and Gas Geophysical Operations Regulations 96-117 214
Canada Oil and Gas Installations Regulations 96-118 19
Canada Oil and Gas Operations Regulations 83-149 4
Frontier Lands Petroleum Royalty Regulations 92-26 16
Canadian Ownership and Control Determination Forms Order, 1985 85-846 25
Canadian Ownership and Control Determination Regulations, 1984 84-431 108
Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 2016-311 405
Explosives Regulations, 2013 2013-211 1257
Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Regulations 2003-15 56
Timber Regulations, 1993 94-118 5
Canada Oil and Gas Certificate of Fitness Regulations 96-114 15
Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations 88-600 467
Oil Import Compensation Regulations No. 1, 1975 c.335 5
Canada–Nova Scotia Offshore Area Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2021-248 361
Canada–Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2021-247 361
Total count 4208

Previous years’ counts for Natural Resources Canada are available upon request.


Centre of Regulatory Expertise
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth St, Ottawa, ON  K1A 0E4
Toll-free in Canada: 1-855-525-9293
Telephone: 343-292-6096

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