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IFIT-funded technologies worth replicating

Many of the projects funded by the Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program are first-in-kind technologies, in both Canada and the world. One of the main objectives of our program is to see the technologies we have funded be replicated by others to help transform the Canadian forest sector into a more innovative and robust global competitor.

To help reach this goal, in 2015, we engaged an engineering firm to identify and analyze IFIT-funded projects that other Canadian forest product companies may be able to adopt. The study used technical, financial and facility data to gauge the replication potential. These fact sheets summarize the findings for each technology, including technology maturity, ease of implementation, market opportunities and social benefits.

Green Energy


Solid Wood

Are you interested in adopting a technology, but need funding? Access the Canadian Business Service Network database of government grants, loans and financing opportunities in your region.

Green Energy

Green Energy

Anaerobic hybrid digestion

Estimated capital investment: $40 to $80 million
Outputs: Renewable energy renewable heat, sulphuric acid
Implemented by: Millar Western Forest Products Ltd.
IFIT project fact sheet: Energy from waste water

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Organic rankine cycle

Estimated capital investment: $2 to $8 million
Outputs: Renewable energy (200 kW to 15MW); Water up to 90 C used as a utility for the plant
Implemented by: Nechako Lumber Company Ltd.
IFIT project fact sheet: Clean energy from wood

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Cellulose filaments

Estimated capital investment: $10 to $37 million
Outputs: Press-dried cellulose filament optimizes the properties of a variety of products
Implemented by: Kruger Biomaterials Inc.
IFIT project fact sheet: Strength from wood

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Engineered fibre mats

Estimated capital investment: $30 to $35 million
Outputs: Automotive composites, natural fibre insulation, erosion control mats
Implemented by: BioComposite Group
IFIT project fact sheet: Wooden car parts

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Lignin-based polyurethane products

Estimated capital investment: $0.7 to $3 million
Outputs: IsoLignin ® technology will incorporate large amounts of lignin in polyurethanes, replacing petroleum-based raw materials in polyurethane products
Implemented by: Enerlab 2000 Inc.
IFIT project fact sheet: Pulp by-product becomes leading-edge building material

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Lignoforce System™ (lignin recovery)

Estimated capital investment: $14 to $33 million
Outputs: High-quality lignin from black liquor
Implemented by: West Fraser Ltd.
IFIT project fact sheet: Evolutionary lignin recovery process

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Solid wood

Solid wood

Lightweight corrugated panels

Estimated capital investment: $6 to $10 million
Outputs: Bio-based corrugated fluting used in the fabrication of lightweight panels that could be a substitute for structural or non-structural boards
Implemented by: Corruven Canada Inc.
IFIT project fact sheet: Rejected fibre becomes new high-end panel

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Prefabricated passive houses

Estimated capital investment: $4 to $5 million
Outputs: Prefabricated panels for the construction of customized homes and commercial buildings
Implemented by: BC Passive House Inc.
IFIT project fact sheet: House of the future

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