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TransLink Electric Bus Demonstration and Integration Trial

Strategic Area

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations




ABB New Flyer
City of Vancouver
BC Hydro


Energy Innovation Program (EIP)



EIP Contribution

$ 1,200,000

Project Total

$ 7,798,000


Vancouver, BC

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Project Background

The main objective of this project was to demonstrate an overhead bus charging system to support electric buses in downtown Vancouver and the route to Burnaby.

As part of the project two high-powered, overhead charging stations with one on-route and an in-depot charging solution were installed for use by four (4) battery electric buses. The four buses provide service on Route 100 Marpole Loop – 22nd Street Station serving the City of Vancouver, City of Burnaby and City of New Westminster.

During the trial, data was gathered and analyzed to determine the overall performance of the charging stations, efficiency of the electric-battery buses, and requirements for future deployments of electric-battery buses.


This project supported the development of international charging standards for overhead charging systems associated with heavy-duty buses. The charging system also demonstrated interoperability between 2 charger manufacturers and 2 bus manufacturers. 

The project has provided stakeholders with valuable real-world data on electric bus fleet operations, including vehicle and charger performance. This information, along with demonstrating the potential of five-minute high-powered charging to extend bus route ranges, will support broader bus electrification efforts by transit agencies, bus and charger manufacturers, and utilities across Canada.

Bus parked underneath high powered charger canopy
Bus parked underneath high powered charger canopy

Benefits to Canada

This project created jobs for Canadians and developed advanced skills in the technology and zero-emissions transportation sectors, which will support long-term efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants from transit.

Next Steps

Translink is continuing to pursue solutions to further electrify and decarbonize their transit fleet.

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