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Field pilot of GHGSat's satellite-aircraft hybrid system in the BC Montney

Strategic Area

Methane and VOC Emissions




Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Natural Gas Innovation Fund
Shell Canada
Petronas Canada
Canadian Natural Resources Limited


Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 453,993

Project Total

$ 3,427,169


Montney, BC

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GHGSat Inc.

Lead Proponent

GHGSat Inc.

Project Objectives

The project objective is to demonstrate that GHGSat’s satellite-aircraft hybrid system provides equivalent annual methane leak mitigation compared to optical gas imaging (OGI) surveys, while detecting big leaks at least three times faster, all at a 25% lower cost to operators.

The project will conduct a field pilot of GHGSat’s satellite-aircraft hybrid system in the BC Montney shale play. GHGSat will execute the field pilot with a new satellite incorporating latest technological advances, then analyze and report results of the field pilot.

Expected Results

It is expected that this project will support efforts to identify and mitigate methane emissions in the oil and gas sector, and validate a cost-effective alternative to the rigorous and costly leak detection and repair (LDAR) requirements under the new methane regulations. The project will be a good enabling technology, with wide application within the oil and gas sector within Canada and internationally.

Environmental Benefits: Reduction of methane emissions from oil and gas installations through detection and measurement.

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