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Conversion of Waste to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) via Modified Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis

Strategic Area





Mitacs and NSERC


Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 1,000,000

Project Total




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Greenfield Global Inc

Lead Proponent

Greenfield Global Inc

Project Objectives

The objective of this project is to advance the pre-commercial production of clean fuels, particularly sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel, with a novel feedstock agnostic process that can utilize various types of waste and biomass resources. It will focus on developing a novel clean fuel production process combining biocrude production from forestry residues, biocrude gasification, and modified Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reaction to produce drop-in low-carbon intensity fuels for hard-to-electrify sectors such as aviation and heavy transportation.

Expected Results

This project aims to:

  1. Demonstrate Greenfield’s process at pilot scale and design a demonstration-scale facility.
  2. Produce the first SAF certified for use at 100% in commercial aviation, without blending with petroleum-based jet fuel.
  3. Expand the potential production of “drop-in” biofuels in Canada and globally, providing options for reducing GHG emissions to sectors with few alternative decarbonization options.
  4. Progress toward:
    • Reducing GHG emissions by displacing petroleum-based fuels using SAF and renewable diesel in hard-to-electrify sectors such as aviation and heavy transportation. Decarbonizing the existing fleet of internal combustion engine vehicles while requiring minimal infrastructure changes using SAF and renewable diesel.

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