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Biocarbon Injection at ArcelorMittal Dofasco

Strategic Area

Forestry - Technology and Innovation
GHG & Air Emissions




BC Biocarbon
Char Technologies


Clean Growth Program



CGP Contribution

$ 1,402,941

Science & Technology Assistance for Cleantech (STAC) Contribution


Project Total

$ 7,557,760


Hamilton, ON

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ArcelorMittal Dofasco

Lead Proponent

ArcelorMittal Dofasco

Project Background

This project aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of injecting biocarbon into an industrial blast furnace (BF) to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the ArcelorMittal Dofasco (AMD) plant. Biocarbon, a GHG-neutral alternative to fossil carbon, was trialed at replacement rates of 5%, 10%, and 15% to displace pulverized coal injection (PCI). The trials planned to determine operating parameters, evaluate the upper limits of biocarbon addition, and identify potential technical challenges. The project also supported the advancement of biocarbon production in Canada, with a target replacement rate of 10% equivalent to a ~110,000 tonnes CO₂ reduction annually. Initial trials focused on understanding material handling, storage, and injection impacts without major process adjustments, while ensuring operational safety and environmental compliance.


The results obtained from this study are as follows:

  1. The trials demonstrated that biocarbon can replace PCI in a BF at up to 10% without adverse impacts on operations.
  2. The trials displaced ~271 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to removing ~60 cars from the road for a year.
  3. The trial method developed is effective for evaluating new biocarbon materials, but biocarbon supply remains a significant challenge, requiring increased production capacity to support broader adoption.

Benefits to Canada

The project benefits Canada by advancing the use of sustainable technologies to reduce GHG emissions in the steelmaking industry, a significant contributor to industrial emissions. By demonstrating biocarbon's feasibility as a direct replacement for fossil carbon in BF, the project supports Canada's goals for industrial decarbonization and aligns with net-zero targets. Additionally, the project fosters the development of biocarbon production capabilities within Canada.

Next Steps

  1. Replacement of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) carbon with biocarbon
  2. Biocarbon supply chain development
  3. Determine what process control changes need to be made to accommodate biocarbon use
  4. Optimize biocarbon requirements for PCI replacement

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