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Energy advisor recruitment, training and mentorship

Status: Call for proposals closed July 8, 2021.

Through the energy advisor recruitment, training and mentorship campaign, you can support our Canada Greener Homes Initiative, designed to help Canadians retrofit their homes and buildings; create thousands of good, middle-class jobs; and save energy costs for families and businesses.

Submit your project proposal

The energy advisor recruitment, training and mentorship campaign will provide a total of $10 million in funding over 5 years to support innovative projects. We are looking for new ideas and experienced partners to:

  • support increased demand for EnerGuide evaluations in all regions of Canada
  • increase the diversity of the energy advisor workforce

A unique opportunity

This initiative is an opportunity to increase the diversity and representation of the existing energy advisor workforce and help support job creation in the growing green economy, particularly for Indigenous peoples.

To support this goal, we have set a target of allocating at least 10% of total funding for this initiative towards Indigenous governments or organizations (e.g., band councils, land claim organizations).

This also includes a focus on projects for:

Underserved areas: the North (north of the 60o parallel), the Prairies and Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as rural, remote and Indigenous communities more broadly.

Under-represented groups: women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized individuals and individuals who identify as LGBTQ+.

Am I eligible?

Eligible applicants are:

  • provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable
  • Indigenous governments or organizations (e.g., band councils, land claim organizations)
  • legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as electricity and gas utilities (including voluntary organizations and foundations)

All applicants must have:

  • knowledge of the EnerGuide Rating System, including on the role that energy advisors play
  • the governance structure, staff, and networks to allow for successful completion of the project

Download the applicant guide (PDF, 787 KB) Complete the project proposal template (PDF, 262 KB)

While the call is now closed, Indigenous applicants are encouraged to apply on an ongoing basis. Applications will be considered as funding allows.

Key dates and deadlines

July 8, 2021

Deadline to submit your project proposal

August 2021

Selection of projects and notification to applicants

September-October 2021

All contribution agreements in place

Proposals received after the deadline may not be considered for funding, except in the case of Indigenous applicants who may have their proposals considered at any time, as funding allows. All project proposals must be signed, complete, accurate, comprehensive and presented using the template provided.

Submit your project proposal

Explore the eligible project categories

Applicants can submit separate proposals for one project category or include multiple project categories within one proposal.

To be eligible for funding, the project proposal must support at least one of the following categories:

1. Training

Up to $200,000 per year

Enhance support for training of energy advisor candidates by expanding classroom learning, e-learning, mobile training and blended learning programs and/or by providing potential candidates with greater access and opportunities to training that supports them in becoming registered energy advisors.

2. Mentorship

Up to $150,000 per year

Enhance support for mentorship of energy advisor candidates and new energy advisors by providing greater access to mentorship opportunities (e.g., internships, mentorship programs) for under-represented groups to support them in becoming registered energy advisors or in carrying out their new role.

3. Recruitment

Up to $100,000 per year

Undertake awareness activities to support the recruitment of service organizations or energy advisors, particularly among groups underrepresented in the sector or in underserved areas.

4. Upskilling and professional development

Up to $100,000 per year

Developing and offering training, materials or programs for upskilling or for the professional development of existing energy advisors in support of the implementation of the initiative.

5. Accessibility of EnerGuide evaluations

Up to $100,000 per year

Support timely access to EnerGuide evaluations and related elements for Canadians residing in underserved regions (e.g., local capacity building, travel to support regular offering of EnerGuide evaluations in these areas, activities to increase availability of local energy advisors and equipment).

How can we help?

Email us about the Canada Greener Homes Initiative to ask any questions, request information, or to submit your project proposal.

For areas with limited internet access, you can contact our dedicated call centre line at 1-833-674-8282 to submit your application by fax.

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