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PTA-1 Certificate of Analysis

Certified Reference Material: Platiniferous Black Sand

PTA-1 was supplied by B.H. Levelton and Associates, Vancouver. It is from the Tulameen River area of British Columbia. Mineralogical examination of similar material revealed the presence of at least ten minerals known to contain platinum-group elements, with an iron-bearing platinum alloy being predominant. Approximate chemical analyses for the major constituents of PTA-1 gave the following values: Fe-63.0%; SiO2-3.6%; Al-2.9%; Ca-1.2%; and Mg-0.6%.

Recommended Value and 95% Confidence Interval
Constituent oz/ton µg/g
Pt 0.089 ± 0.004 3.05 ± 0.14

Nine laboratories provided platinum analyses for the certification of PTA-1.

A copy of Mines Branch Technical Bulletin TB 138, "Characterization and preparation of standard reference materials that contain noble metals: (A) PTA (ores) and (B) PTM (nickel-copper-matte)", will be provided with each order of PTA-1.

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Ottawa, ON K1A 0G1

Telephone: 613-995-4738
Facsimile: 613-943-0573
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