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Smart Grid in Canada: 2011-2012

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Authors: Jennifer Hiscock and David Beauvais, CanmetENERGY

CETC number: 2012-224

Publication date: 2012-11-20


Smart grids represent the future of electricity and energy systems around the world. In Canada, smart grid design reflects a shift to more efficient network and resource use as systems become more flexible and adaptable to the energy supply and demand characteristics. CanmetENERGY studies the development of smart grid technologies and systems, and their relation to the institutional and market dynamics of electricity as it becomes more integrated with other energy systems. This report highlights the current status of smart grid progress in Canada in the 2011-12 timeframe, the activities that Canada’s smart grid stakeholders are participating in, and the challenges and opportunities facing the industries engaged in the development of smart grids.

For more information about CanmetENERGY’s activities related to smart grid, visit the Smart Grid section of the website.

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