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Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Natural Resources of Canada and the China National Energy Administration on Nuclear Energy Collaboration

The Department of Natural Resources of Canada (“NRCan”) and the China National Energy Administration (“NEA”), hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”,

Considering the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, done at Beijing on 7 November 1994 (“NCA”), which supports nuclear energy co-operation between Canada and the People’s Republic of China;

Considering the Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, done at Beijing on 19 July 2012 and entered into force on 1 January 2013;

Considering the Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Energy Co‑operation between the Department of Natural Resources of Canada, the Atomic Energy Canada Limited, the National Development and Reform Commission of China and the China National Nuclear Corporation, signed at Beijing on 20 January 2005, renewed on 20 January 2010 and expiring on 20 January 2015 (“2005 MOU on Nuclear Energy Co‑operation”);

Desiring to strengthen and enhance collaboration between Canada and the People’s Republic of China with respect to sustainable development of nuclear energy resources;

Recognizing that NRCan is the Ministry in Canada that has the responsibility for federal policy on nuclear energy, including research and development;

Recognizing that NEA is the Government Organization in the People’s Republic of China that has the responsibility for Chinese national plans and policies for nuclear energy development, production, distribution and reforms, as well as research and development and forecasting;

Acknowledging the benefits to be derived from collaboration on nuclear energy;

Have come to the following understanding:


  1. The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to confirm a bilateral framework for collaboration between the Participants on nuclear energy projects, programs, research and development, and policies aimed at sustainable development of civilian nuclear energy.

Areas of Collaboration

  1. The Participants understand that areas for their collaboration may include projects, programs, and policies of mutual interest, where appropriate, related to the following topics:
    1. "Exploration, Mining, Processing, and Trading of Uranium

      Sustainable development of the uranium sector; opportunities and policies for uranium trade; related emerging international trade issues; opportunities for uranium exploration, mining and processing;
    2. Nuclear Reactor Design, Construction, Maintenance, Operation, and Decommissioning

      Opportunities related to the design, construction, maintenance, and operations of nuclear reactor technologies, including radioactive waste management, and decommissioning of civilian nuclear energy installations;   
    3. Nuclear Energy Applications Beyond Electricity Production

      Nuclear energy applications in the fields of agriculture, health care, environmental stewardship, and industrial applications, including process heat (e.g., desalination, mining, hydrogen production);
    4. Advanced Reactor and Fuel Cycle Technologies including Safety and Physical Protection and Security

      Adaptation of existing reactor designs and optimization of fuel cycles for new or recycled fuels; waste minimization; reactor designs and research and development (R&D) on features; fundamental characteristics of future reactor systems; high temperature materials; core neutron physics; heat transfer performance; safety and design codes; safety analyses; physical protection and other security aspects;
    5. R&D Priorities

      R&D priorities range from short-term mission oriented R&D to long term, underlying, and exploratory R&D, and includes the following: approaches to nuclear knowledge management including strategies for R&D capability maintenance and the role of R&D in knowledge preservation and enhancement; development of public communications as key inputs into the development of R&D priorities;
    6. Policy Issues of Mutual Interest

      Nuclear emergency preparedness and response; radioactive waste management; civil nuclear liability; public interactions; any other policy areas of mutual interest;
    7. Any other area as they may mutually decide upon in writing.

Forms of Collaboration

  1. The Participants understand that their collaboration may take the following forms, where appropriate and of mutual interest:
    1. Encouraging Canadian and Chinese enterprises to develop mutually beneficial commercial partnerships in the uranium and nuclear energy fields;
    2. Exchanging and providing information and data on science and technology activities and developments, practices and results, and on programs, policies and plans including exchange of proprietary information;
    3. Exchanging scientists, engineers and other specialists for mutually acceptable periods of time in order to participate in experiments, analysis, design and other activities;
    4. Meetings of various forms to discuss and exchange information on technological aspects of general or specific subjects in the areas listed above, and to identify additional collaborative actions which may be usefully carried out;
    5. Exchanging and providing samples, materials and equipment for experiments, testing and evaluation;
    6. Developing joint studies, projects or experiments;
    7. Government-to-Government exchanges including, for example, through ad-hoc informal discussions, on topics such as international trends for the sustainable development of civilian nuclear energy;
    8. Any other specific forms of collaboration as they mutually decide upon in writing.


    1. Unless otherwise decided, each Participant will bear whatever costs it may incur as a result of its participation in collaboration pertaining to projects, programs, and policies, as may be carried out pursuant to this MOU.
    2. The Participants may explore, on a case-by-case basis, options to provide financial and technical resources for any collaboration pursuant to this MOU.

Review Meetings

  1. The Participants may meet as and when they deem required for the purpose of reviewing their progress in collaboration on projects, programs, and policies pursuant to this MOU.

Project Contracts

  1. The Participants may enter into specific contracts, as necessary, that will detail collaborative projects, programs, and policies within the scope of this MOU.


    1. The Participants will act separately and voluntarily under this MOU.
    2. This MOU is not legally binding.
    3. The Participants will ensure that collaborative activities carried out pursuant to this MOU are in full respect of the provisions of the NCA.


    1. This MOU will replace the previous “2005 MOU on Nuclear Energy Co-operation”.
    2. This MOU will come into effect on the date of its signature and will remain in effect for a period of five years. It may be extended automatically for additional periods of five years, unless a Participant notifies its objection to it in writing to the other Participant, at least six months before the end of each period of five years.
    3. A Participant may terminate this MOU by giving a six month written notice to the other Participant.
    4. The Participants may amend this MOU upon their mutual written consent.

Signed in duplicate at Beijing on the 8th day of November 2014, in the English, French, and Chinese languages, each version being equally valid.

For the Department of Natural Resources of Canada

For the China National Energy Administration

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