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Our Experts

Through their dedication to relevant, high quality research that provides real impacts for Canadians, CanmetENERGY’s team of more than 450 scientists, engineers, and technicians make us a leader in clean energy technologies.

Learn more about our dynamic people and their innovative research.

Director General

Dean Haslip

Haslip, Dean

Title: Director General
Group: CanmetENERGY - Ottawa

Fossil Fuels

Marc Duchesne

Duchesne, Marc

Title: Research Scientist
Group: Gasification/Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC) group
Technology: Gasification and Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC)

Marc Duchesne

Wigston, Andrew

Title: Senior Geoscientist
Group: Subsurface Environment Team
Technology: CO2 storage, geothermal, and tight oil and gas

Buildings and Renewables

Tom Mackintosh

Mackintosh, Tom

Title: Research Engineer
Group: Buildings and Renewables Group

Anil Parekh

Parekh, Anil

Title: Senior Researcher
Group: Buildings and Renewables Group
Technology: Building envelope technologies, technology assessments, and energy performance of housing

Yves Poissant

Poissant, Yves

Title: Photovoltaic Technology Specialist
Group: Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources
Technology: Solar Photovoltaic Energy

Jeremy Sager

Sager, Jeremy

Title: Housing Team Project Officer
Group: Technology Assessment R&D Group
Technology: Solar Assisted & Small Footprint Systems, Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs)

Michel Tardif

Tardif, Michel

Title: Research Engineer and Building Project Leader
Group: Buildings and Renewables Group
Technology: Radiant systems and displacement ventilation, Passive geothermal systems (earth tubes), and “Passivhaus” envelopes

Martin Thomas

Thomas, Martin

Title: Project Engineer
Group: Buildings and Renewables Group
Technology: Advanced gas technologies

Jessica Webster

Webster, Jessica

Title: Energy Planning Analyst
Group: Buildings and Renewables Group

Industrial Processes

Marzouk Benali

Benali, Marzouk

Title: Research Scientist
Group: Industry/Industrial Systems Optimization
Education Background: PhD in Process Engineering (Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France)

Benjamin Bronson

Bronson, Benjamin (Ben)

Title: Research Engineer
Group: Bioenergy Systems
Technology: Thermochemical Biomass Conversion

Kirby Wittich

Wittich, Kirby

Title: Research Engineer
Group: Industrial Innovation Group
Technology: Industrial Energy Systems

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