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MDIP - Selection Criteria

Applicants must address all of the criteria listed below and in Section 6 of the Applicant’s Guide in their Project Proposals, providing supporting documentation for all assertions. Note that the description of the individual criteria below are indicative of the factors considered by reviewers, but are not meant to be all inclusive.

Applicants are urged to submit any and all information they feel would be relevant in addressing the criteria in their proposals. Project Proposals will be rated and ranked on a comparative basis, against other proposals being reviewed, based on the following criteria.

Selection Criteria – Summary

Mandatory Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated by the Program Management Committee using the following mandatory criteria:

Mandatory Criteria

Is the proponent an eligible recipient of funding under this RPP?


Does the project meet the scope of the RPP as defined in Appendix 1?


Does the project promise reasonable financial leverage?


Is the proposal complete, with all requested documentation?


Selection Criteria:

Proposals that meet the mandatory criteria listed above will then be reviewed and ranked by consensus by a committee of experts using the criteria given in Section 6.2 of the Applicant’s Guide. All criteria shall be given equal weight.

Proposal Review and Selection Process

Government Expert Committees will be responsible for reviewing proposals, on the basis of the assessment criteria.


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