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Spring-cleaning checklist for energy efficiency

Spring has sprung and it’s time to hit refresh on your household energy use. Here are four easy spring-cleaning hacks to help you enjoy effortless energy savings well into the summer.

It’s that time of year again… spring-cleaning! For many people, this means shaking off that winter dust and giving your home or apartment a thorough scrubbing. Did you know that while you clean, you can also improve your home’s energy efficiency? Follow these four easy tips to refresh your home and save energy while you’re at it.

Check your windows and doors

Father and son spring cleaning As you clean your windows and doors, check for any small cracks or holes around window or doorframes, seal and caulk around frames to reduce drafts and keep your home running efficiently. This will ensure the cool air stays inside when you run the air conditioner (AC) in hot weather.

Pro Tip: If you have a sliding door, check the track to make sure it is clean. A dirty track and worn out rollers can affect a door’s seal and create gaps, letting heat in and cold air escape during warming weather.

Switch your fan direction

Did you know that you should change the rotational direction of your fan depending on the season? When it’s warm outside, your ceiling fan should spin counter-clockwise. This will create a down draft of air and help you feel cooler. It’s important to know that fans do not actually cool a room; they only make the people in the room feel cooler. That’s because the increased airflow dries sweat or moisture on your skin, which cools you off, while the room temperature remains the same. For this reason, turn off your fan as you leave the room to save energy.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to return your fan to a clockwise direction when cooler weather returns.

Give your AC some TLC

Air conditioning is important – especially as the weather gets warmer. If you use a central air system, now is a great time to get it serviced by a qualified HVAC contractor to maintain optimal performance. You can also conduct your own regular maintenance by cleaning the filters, coils and ductwork.

Pro Tip:  When you are thinking about replacing your system, consider upgrading to an ENERGY STAR® certified central or room air conditioning system. You can keep your home comfortable for summer and save energy.

Remember to dust

Man dusts TV While you’re dusting off all those nooks and crannies remember to do the same for light bulbs and electronics. Dust can prevent motorized electronics from running efficiently and can prevent light bulbs from projecting enough light. A quick dusting of light fixtures, bulbs and other electronics will help maximize your energy efficiency.

Pro Tip: While you’re cleaning off your light bulbs, check to ensure they’re energy-efficient LED bulbs. If they’re incandescent or CFL bulbs, swap out your old inefficient bulbs for ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs to use up to 90% less energy.

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