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Refrigerated beverage vending machines

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Buy ENERGY STAR® to save you money!

An ENERGY STAR certified refrigerated vending machine uses 9% less energy, on average, than a standard model. Saving energy saves money and reduces your carbon footprint.

Key features

  • Incorporate more efficient compressors, fan motors, and lighting systems to keep beverages just as cold and visible to customers while using less energy.
  • Come with a low power mode option that allows the machine to be placed in low-energy lighting and/or low-energy refrigeration states during times of inactivity.
Refrigerated beverage vending machines

Start your research using the ENERGY STAR Product Finder tool to find and compare certified vending machines. (NOTE: you will be redirected to the US ENERGY STAR website.)

Helpful tips

  • Ask your vending machine operator for ENERGY STAR certified products. Typically, the suppliers of beverage vending machine are not responsible for the energy costs, so there is otherwise little incentive to supply you with energy-efficient machines.
  • If your beverage contract will soon expire, request ENERGY STAR certified machines in your next request for proposals.
  • If you are currently in the middle of a vending contract, talk to your operator about either converting your current fleet of vending machines to more efficient ENERGY STAR certified models or upgrading your existing machines to ENERGY STAR levels.


All ENERGY STAR certified products are tested to meet strict efficiency specifications and are certified by an independent third party. They perform the same as or better than standard products without compromising performance in any way.

Regulations set the energy efficiency minimum

Refrigerated beverage vending machines are subject to Canada's Energy Efficiency Regulations, which set a minimum performance standard for their energy efficiency. Find details in the Guide to the Regulations.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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