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Compliance Regulatory Energy Efficiency Database (CREED)

Kitchen with a fridge; a man charging an electric car; a wall thermostat; a clothes washer and dryer

The Compliance Operations Group (COG) within Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is making major changes to the data management system and regulatory reporting processes. These changes will simplify and streamline the way manufacturers of regulated energy-using products do business with COG.

The new Compliance Regulatory Energy Efficiency Database (CREED) is a secure online system that manufacturers and authorized certification bodies associated with the energy efficiency verification/certification files will use to submit compliance and energy efficiency information to NRCan. This new system will provide users with pre-defined templates to create, submit and manage energy efficiency reports.

Modernization benefits

The new system will reduce workload for manufacturers, certification bodies, and NRCan. It will reduce administrative time and increase productivity by automating processes, validating submitted data in near real-time, and reducing back and forth with NRCan. The system will provide more useful digital tools and better functionality to users. This should allow for better alignment with provincial and international partners.

Users will be able to upload submissions directly into the system; create, submit, and manage reports using product or equipment specific templates; have full access to previous submissions; track the status of all submissions and receive automated message when the status changes; view reports and statistics; ask questions to program staff; and, run searches on their already submitted reports.

To help the project meet the widest range of needs, NRCan is inviting volunteers to join our focus group to help beta test the new system and provide feedback to inform the development of the online system. To apply:

Volunteer to beta test the new reporting system

Upcoming access to CREED for submitting compliance reports

The new system is scheduled for a staged release in 2024. As it marks a significant advance, it will be rolled out in several phases with support to ensure that all stakeholders are fully familiar with CREED before it replaces the current system.

Progress updates

As the development of this new online system moves forward, we will be consulting with stakeholders to ensure it meets the needs of manufacturers and certification bodies for regulated energy-using products.

If you would like to be added to our stakeholder list, please contact us. To learn the details of progress updates as they are released, visit this web page.

Canada’s Energy Efficiency Act and Energy Efficiency Regulations

All regulated products must meet federal energy efficiency standards to be imported into Canada or shipped from one province to another for the purpose of sale or lease. The Regulations continue to apply to these products if they are incorporated into a larger unit or machine, even when that unit or machine is an unregulated product.

Learn more about the Act and Regulations

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