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ENERGY STAR Energy Performance Indicator tools available for Canadian Frozen Fried Potato Processing Facilities and Cement Plants

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Companies striving for energy performance excellence in the frozen fried potato processing sector as well as cement plants are now using ENERGY STAR® energy performance indicator (EPI) tools. These energy management tools, originally developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency, were adopted by Canada.

Energy Star high efficiency logo.

The EPIs for each of these industry sectors enable companies to compare their facilities’ energy performance to similar ones in North America and thereby encourages energy benchmarking, a key step in comprehensive energy management promoted by the ENERGY STAR program.

The EPI tools consist of detailed instructions for their use and spreadsheets with embedded calculations that ultimately generate a statement of energy performance, as well as a facility performance report once specific electrical data, thermal data and production information has been entered.

Using a scale of 1 to 100 (the best performance level), the EPI tools rate facilities relative to others while taking into account differences in location, for example. Manufacturing facilities with a score of 75 or higher could earn ENERGY STAR certification.

To be eligible for ENERGY STAR certification, the facility must have been metered so that energy data outside of the EPI tool are removed from any data used as input for the EPI. However, even if the facility does not meet the minimum score of 75, the company can still use the EPI as an energy management tool.

Aiming for ENERGY STAR certification is a winning proposition for any company looking to improve their energy performance and the EPI tool provides the baseline information for facilities to achieve this goal.

Learn more about NRCan’s ENERGY STAR for Industry certification program. Contact Natural Resources Canada at

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