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Energy Efficiency Insider

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Do you want to manage your energy use more efficiently? Check out the latest news and tips on innovative energy management from CIPEC and industry leaders.

Chilling out to significant electricity savings at Hubberts

Find out how Hubberts Industries (now called Bank Brothers Sustainable Ingredients) in Brampton Canada achieved annual electricity savings of 33% in one of its facilities.

A grant from NRCan grant will enable the company to monitor their energy inputs to identify more energy savings opportunities, and continue to lower their carbon footprint.

Buildings Energy Efficiency News

Get the latest information about issues and initiatives affecting energy efficiency in commercial and institutional buildings, as well as, discover the success stories of organizations that have benefited from positive change.

Heads Up: Building Energy Efficiency Newsletter - Archives

Published monthly, Heads Up: Building Energy Efficiency, works to keep you informed about issues and initiatives affecting the energy efficiency of the Canadian buildings sector. Published since 1996, Heads Up: Building Energy Efficiency currently has over 12,000 subscribers.

The ENERGY STAR and PORTFOLIO MANAGER names and the ENERGY STAR symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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