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Retrofit Hub - data

Access data sets that provide insight into the energy use, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings.

Government of Canada Resources

National Energy Use Database

A database that supports Canada's efforts to mitigate energy's impact on the environment.

Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use

National statistical estimates of building counts, energy use and floor space for specific building types.

Comprehensive Energy Use Database

An overview of sectoral energy markets in Canada and in each region of the country.

Canadian Centre for Energy Information

A one-stop virtual shop for independent and trusted information on energy in Canada.

Climate Resilient Built Environment Initiative

Research that produces science-based knowledge on climate-resilient buildings and infrastructure.

Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles

Facts on energy production, use, transformation, and trade.

Energy Benchmarking Data Snapshots

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager's data snapshots provide benchmarking data based on building type and location.

Additional Resources

Navius Research: Canada Energy Dashboard

Energy-economy and electricity modelling.

Climate data, information, and tools to support adaptation planning and decision-making.

CAGBC Disclosure Challenge data visualization tool

Energy-use data in the Canadian real estate sector.

Energy Policy Simulator

Shows how energy and climate policies influence emissions.

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