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Project planning and implementation

Technical expertise available

Helping you get the job done

NRCan’s Greening Government Services can be used by departments to help advance their greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction agenda. Our technical expertise is available for federal organizations seeking technical support and knowledge at all phases of GHG reduction projects:

  • For building portfolio potential evaluation and planning
  • For the implementation of projects
  • For the ongoing, post-implementation operation of projects.

The following is a list of available fields of expertise available through our support services:

  • Portfolio planning
  • Clean and renewable energy technologies
  • Energy modelling/simulation
  • Advanced building controls, including fault detection and diagnostic
  • Commissioning, recommissioning, ongoing commissioning
  • Measurement and verification
  • Audits
  • Departmental carbon neutral plans

NRCan will make sure to understand the client’s requirements, and will propose a service and delivery approach that will meet the client’s needs, from simple “ad-hoc” to ongoing support.

Some projects may require external experts (facilitators). You have access to these experts, through a competitive process and on a cost recovery basis, to further your project planning.

If you think you could benefit from experts in your projects and join the many departments that have benefitted from these services, email us.

Financing – energy performance contracting

Low-risk investment

This low-risk, turnkey service delivers guaranteed results that lead to lower operating costs. The ESCO assumes the initial capital costs. Your federal organization then repays the company over a specified period from the energy savings that result.

Once the payout period is over, your organization benefits from the long-term energy savings.

We can help you plan an energy performance contract that won’t cost you capital up front. Your future energy savings will not only pay for the project, but continue to keep your operating costs down well into the future. These contracts not only improve operating costs by saving energy, but now also emphasize the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

An energy performance contract is an agreement between an organization and an energy service company (ESCO) where the ESCO performs a facility assessment, plans, implements and finances a project.

Find out more about energy performance contracts in our step-by-step guide: Energy Performance Contracting: Guide for Federal Buildings [PDF - 5.02 MB].

NRCan keeps a list of qualified ESCOs – called qualified bidders – that can provide federal government with specialized services.

Model documents

Although entering into an energy performance contract may seem like a daunting endeavour, NRCan can provide you with a variety of support services, including model documents, such as a model “Request for Proposal” and model “Energy Performance Contract,” to help you get started.

You can customize these documents to best meet your organization's needs. Contact us at for more details about energy performance contracting or to receive the model documents.

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