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Energy and GHG Management Training

people in a classroom

Energy and GHG Management Training is available to all federal employees working in greening government operations.

To register for these courses, or to learn more, please submit your request through the link below.

Contact NRCan’s Greening Government Services

Introductory training

  • Energy Efficiency for Managers – 1 day
  • SPOT the Energy Savings Opportunities (from Dollars to $ense ) – 1 day
  • Energy Management Planning (from Dollars to $ense ) – 1 day
  • Understanding Carbon Cap-and-Trade – 1 hour
  • Certified RETScreen Expert (CRE) – 1 day
  • Introduction to ISO 50001 - 1 day

Technical training and certification

  • Certified RETScreen Expert (CRE) – 3 days
  • Advanced Course on Building Recommissioning (RCx) – 4 days
  • Certified Energy Manager (CEM) – 5 days
  • Demystifying ISO 50001 for Your Organization - 2 days
  • Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP) – 3 days
  • Building Operator Certification (BOC) – 9 days
  • Energy Monitoring (from Dollars to $ense) – 1 day

Energy Performance Contracts and financing

  • Certified Professional in Energy Performance Contracting (CPE) – 3 days
  • Introduction to Energy Performance Contracting – 1 day
  • Energy Efficiency Financing (from Dollars to $ense) – 1 day


Courses are provided through the Canada School of Public Service and on the NRCan YouTube channel.

These e-learning modules will help you to better understand and manage energy and greenhouse gas emissions within your buildings.

  1. Sustainable Strategies for Existing Federal Facilities (56 min)
    In this module, you will learn strategies for creating and maintaining high performance buildings. This module focuses on fundamentals for improving sustainability in a federal facility: optimizing energy performance, protecting and conserving water, using environmentally preferable products and materials, and enhancing indoor environmental quality.
    Also available through the Canada School of Public Service.
  2. Optimizing Energy Performance of Existing Buildings (21 min)
    This module introduces the four guiding principles (metering, benchmarking, energy efficiency, renewable and clean energy) that should be followed sequentially on the journey to optimizing the energy performance of existing buildings.
    Also available through the Canada School of Public Service.
  3. Reducing Your Utility Bill: Demand Response and Site-Based Load Management (25 min)
    This module will provide information and best practices about cost-saving opportunities from demand response and site-based load management. These cost-saving strategies are largely under-utilized by the federal government and can often save 10% or more on a site’s electricity bill.
  4. Operations, Maintenance and Commissioning (60 min) 
    This module provides an overview of operations and maintenance best practices, with a focus on corrective, preventive, and predictive infrastructure requirements and commissioning for existing buildings.
    Also available through the Canada School of Public Service.
  5. Energy Efficiency Expert Evaluations (E4s) (40 min) 
    This module will describe a step-by-step method to conduct an “energy efficiency expert evaluation”—a customized process to meet site-specific energy goals. This approach combines the most effective features of an energy audit and retro-commissioning, while avoiding the limitations of each.
    Also available through the Canada School of Public Service.
  6. Implementing Deep Retrofits – A Whole Building Approach (60 min)
    This module fosters competency in developing retrofit solutions that demonstrate integrated, holistic and synergistic approaches to energy-efficient retrofits. The goal is to yield higher performance results than are achieved with standard, individual and routine energy conservation measures.
    Also available through the Canada School of Public Service.
  7. Using Metered Data to Improve Energy and Water Efficiency (38 min)
    This course will discuss how metered energy data can be analyzed to identify facility-wide or system-level changes, and is presented to support effective decision-making. After taking this course, learners will be able to understand the fundamental concepts related to building load profiles, and to apply metered data to identify energy and water conservation opportunities and to analyze utility bills.
  8. Integration of Renewable Energy Systems (48 min)
    Renewable energy technologies can help federal sites meet departmental goals and legislative mandates, improve energy security, and reduce environmental impacts, while efficiently providing electricity, heating, cooling and other applications. This course will introduce learners to renewable energy system integration, from the building to the utility level. It will address how increasing amounts of intermittent renewable energy generation can be controlled to realize energy cost savings and improve system reliability.
  9. Life-Cycle Costing for Energy Conservation (65 min)
    In this course, participants will learn to utilize life-cycle cost analysis to improve federal economically-based decision making, determine the total cost of ownership of project alternatives, and inform decisions for energy and water efficiency investments. In addition, learners will apply key requirements and supplemental economic measures to federal investment decisions, such as those for individual and interdependent building system acquisitions for new construction and major renovations.
  10. RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software
    Explore a series of videos introducing NRCan’s RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software. These cover benchmarking, performance (M&V) and portfolio analysis modules, including specific videos for preparing feasibility studies for energy efficiency, clean power generation and cogeneration projects.

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