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Robotic process automation for financial document management

The Finance and similar Corporate Services are charged with both being strategic leads on broad operational issues and with managing high-volume, complex and manual processes. There is a need to abate many of these processes so that Operational teams can focus on their strategic work. One of these current processes is the management and transfer of financial documents between different systems. The current process involves the manual entry of certain financial information, and then physically moving the generated document to a separate system. There is an extremely large volume of these transactions, and they require manual intervention from the Finance team.

Project objectives

The goal of this project is to build a specific tool to address the manual transfer of documents, and to general architecture for automating similar processes in the future. This tool will be a bot that scans the first system for new financial entries, extracts the relevant data and transfers this data and relevant documents to the second system. The net result will be elimination of any manual intervention, reducing the human burden on the Finance team, allowing for a more efficient process and reducing human error.



Collaborators and Partners

Internal to NRCan


Marc Cossette

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