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Energy Innovation Program – Oil and Gas Clean Technology component (Voted)

General information
Name of transfer payment program Oil and Gas Clean Technology component (Voted)
Start date April 21, 2016
End date March 31, 2025
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2016-17
Strategic Outcome 2. Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible
Link to the department’s Program Alignment Architecture 2.2 – Technology Innovation > 2.2.3 – Clean Energy Science and Technology
Description The Oil and Gas Clean Technology Program aims to support the development of cleaner oil and gas technologies, in order to help develop Canada’s hydrocarbon resources in more sustainable ways. Demonstration projects will be conditionally repayable for five years following the end of the project if the project generates profits after completion.
Results achieved In 2017-18, the Oil and Gas Clean Technology Program provided over $40M of funding to 8 industry-led, multi-year projects totaling over $50M in funding and $168.5M in total project costs, estimated to leverage 2.4 dollars for every dollar of federal funding.  Projects were funded to demonstrate technologies such as solvent based in-situ processes, partial upgrading, and alternative steam generation for SAGD operations, which will result in reduced greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from the oil and gas sector.
Comments on variances Actual expenditures were lower than planned spending because funding was transferred to another TPP as part of a cash management strategy. TB approved funding levels were maintained.
Audits completed or planned No internal audits were completed in 2017-18 and none are planned for fiscal years 2018-19 or 2019-20.
Evaluations completed or planned As per the 2017-18 Departmental Evaluation Plan, an evaluation of the eco-Energy Innovation Initiative (eco-EII) Energy Innovation Program is currently being undertaken. It is expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2018-19.
The OGCT program may also be included in the Clean Technology Stream Evaluation slated for 2019-20 and the Energy Innovation Program: Clean Energy Science and Technology program evaluation slated for 2020-21.
Engagement of applicants and recipients In 2016-17, the program conducted extensive engagement with industry, associations, Provinces and Territories, and research and policy groups to help inform the scope of calls for proposals. The program issued a call for proposals, which attracted a lot of interest and resulted in a very strong set of proposals. The program selected proposals through a rigorous review process and fully allocated funding in 2016-17 and 2017-18.  Recipients continue to be engaged through regular communication in the form of meetings, site visits, telephone conversations and email.
Performance information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2015‑16 Actual spending 2016‑17 Actual spending 2017‑18 Planned spending 2017‑18 Total authorities available for use 2017‑18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017‑18 actual minus 2017‑18 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 8,514,000 44,477,500 40,801,000 40,688,321 (3,789,179)
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 0  8,514,000  44,477,500  40,801,000  40,688,321  (3,789,179)

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