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Gender-based analysis plus

General Information

Governance structures NRCan’s GBA+ Responsibility Centre ensures that GBA+ is integrated into departmental decision-making processes, by requiring every Budget proposal, Memorandum to Cabinet (MC), and Treasury Board submission (TB sub) to undertake a rigorous assessment of the potential implications of any new policy or program on diverse populations of Canadians. Where potential differential impacts are noted, mitigation measures are recommended to inform program design and policy development.. These analyses and findings are validated before any Budget proposal, MC, or TB sub is brought to the Deputy Minister for sign-off.

The GBA+ Responsibility Centre within the Strategic Policy and Results Sector (SPRS) tracks the flow of these findings (from Budget proposal to program implementation and policy development), and relevant indicators may be monitored in Performance Information Profiles (PIPs).

All GBA+ assessments (i.e. for Budget proposals, MCs, TB subs, PIPs) are tracked and retained by the GBA+ Responsibility Centre.
Human resources NRCan is committed to ensuring that diverse Canadians benefit from our policies and programs, and recognizes the importance of GBA+ in achieving this goal.

To this end, we have made GBA+ training mandatory for every new analyst hired through our Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program, and will increase the frequency of in-house trainings to ensure an increasing proportion of our analysts are equipped with this fundamental knowledge.

NRCan’s GBA+ Responsibility consists of 1 FTE dedicated to GBA+, and one supporting analyst (0.2 FTEs). In addition, we have committed to hiring an additional analyst to support this file for the duration of the summer (0.3 FTEs)

NRCan’s network of Sector Advisors will be doubled over the next year, from 10 to 20 analysts (total 4.0 FTEs) GBA+ assessments for each implicated process are conducted by analysts within each sector (total 2 FTEs). In total, NRCan has the equivalent of 7.5 FTEs dedicated to GBA+ implementation for 2018-19.
Planned initiatives GBA+ will be guided by the Gender Results Framework announced in Budget 2018. Natural resource sectors provide an immense opportunity for contributing to success in advancing gender equality in two pillars of the Framework: Education and Skills Development; and Economic Participation and Prosperity. For example, only about one in five workers in Canada’s resource sectors today are women.

GBA+ is implemented in policies and programs through NRCan’s network of sector advisors, who are required to take the Status of Women Canada online training, as well as attend annual in-house training sessions, and bi-monthly working meetings. NRCan plans to increase its GBA+ capacity for 2018-19 through the recruitment of additional sector advisors, targeted training for diverse functional groups, and ongoing knowledge campaigns and training drives.

Beginning in 2018-19, select case studies will be used to demonstrate and communicate the impact of GBA+ in the development and implementation of policies and programs, striving to contribute to meaningful progress on key indicators of the Gender Results Framework. GBA+ will become mandatory for regulations and grants and contributions in 2018-19.  The Responsibility Centre is working with other government departments in the development and implementation of GBA+ for these additional processes.

Performance Information Profiles will include relevant indicators from the Gender Results Framework whenever possible.

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