Greening Government Operations (GGO)
Not all targets are applicable to all departments. Please refer to Annex 1 of the 2013-2016 FSDS: “Responsibility for Greening Government Operations Targets by Department/Agency”. Departments are encouraged to contribute to additional targets beyond what is required.
Performance indicators included in the table allow departments to succinctly report on targets under Theme IV. In most cases, only a few quantitative (e.g. kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent) or qualitative (e.g. ‘Yes’ [with planned/actual completion date]) indicators are required per target.
Explanations related to plans need to be summarized in the cell on the right-hand side of the corresponding indicators. In cases where an indicator cannot be reported on due to lack of data, departments should enter ‘data not available’ and mention any mitigation actions that were put in place to fill the data gap in the cell on the right-hand side of the corresponding indicators.
Departments can insert additional performance indicators, implementation strategies and targets that contribute to any of the three goals under FSDS Theme IV by adding rows to the table. Please delete any performance indicators or targets that do not apply to the department.
Departments are encouraged to thoroughly review the Greening Government Operations implementation guidelines and supplementary materials for information on scope, approach, roles and responsibilities, implementation actions and tools for all Theme IV targets.
Note: For complete guidance for reporting on Theme IV, please refer to the Guidelines for Reporting in the Greening Government Operations Supplementary Table.
Departmental Strategies for Greening Government Operations Targets
Goal 6: GHG Emissions and Energy |
Target 6.1: GHG Emissions Reduction |
Departmental target: 17% below 2005 by 2020 |
Scope and Context (optional) |
NRCan established a departmental initiative in 2010 called Low Carbon (LoC) NRCan. The focus of LoC is reducing GHG emissions in the building portfolio through a variety of activities and energy efficiency projects in support of NRCan’s overall reduction target of 17%. NRCan’s building portfolio accounts for approximately 96% of the department’s GHG emissions. Fleet accounts for the remaining 4%. |
Expected Result |
Reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of federal operations. |
Performance Indicator |
Targeted Performance Level |
Updated GHG reduction implementation plan in place by March 31, 2015 |
Planned completion date by March 2015. |
GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in fiscal year 2005-2006 |
33.76 kt |
GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in current fiscal year |
30.76 kt |
Renewable power emission credits applied in current fiscal year (kt CO2 equivalent) |
0 kt |
Percentage change in GHG emissions from fiscal year 2005-2006 to the current fiscal year, inclusive of renewable power emission credits, if applicable |
8.9 %; decrease [negative] |
Adjustments made to base year GHG emissions (indicate if not applicable) |
Yes. An adjustment was made to 2005-06 baseline due to missing utility data for one building as well as corrections to natural gas and steam conversion factors for several other buildings. |
Goal 7: Waste and Asset Management | |
7.1 Target: Real Property Environmental Performance As of April 1, 2014, and pursuant to departmental Real Property Sustainability Frameworks, an industry recognized level of high environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations. |
Expected Result | |
An industry-recognized level of high environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations. | |
Performance Indicator | Targeted Performance Level |
Real Property Sustainability Framework in place to improve the management of energy, waste and water in departmental real property assets by March 31, 2015. | Planned completion date March 31, 2015. Current strategy targets reaching industry-recognized levels of environmental performance on new additions to the real property portfolio and required modifications to management of facilities. |
Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings (over 1000 m2) and new lease or lease renewal projects (over 1000 m2) where the Crown is the major lessee, assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool, and associated floor space (m2) | Number of Crown-owned buildings assessed for performance: (22) Amount 138,828 m2 |
Number New lease or lease renewal projects 1 Amount m2(14,611 m2r in Hamilton, LEED Platinum) |
Planned assessment tool to be used: BOMA BEST for all existing crown-owned buildings, with the exception of the BSC (Booth Street Complex). Athena LCA impact estimator for new leasesor lease renewals. |
Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings, new construction, build-to-lease projects, major renovations projects, achieving an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance, and associated floor space (m2) | Number Crown-owned buildings achieving level of performance (22)Amount 138,828 m2 |
Number New construction projects: none within scope Amount m2 |
Number Build-to-lease projects: none within scope Amount m2 |
Number Major renovation projects: none within scope Amount m2 |
Planned environmental performance level to be achieved: BOMA BEST for existing Crown-owned buildings with the exception of the BSC, Green Globes Fit-up, 3 globes. LCA impact estimator for leases. Athena LCA & Green Globes 3 globes for new construction. | |
Number of fit-up and refit projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance | Number Fit-up and refit projects: none Amount m2 |
Planned environmental performance level to be achieved: Green Globes Fit-up, 3 globes | |
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice | Targeted Performance Level | Achieve a level of performance that meets or exceeds the custodian’s current commitment(s) to sustainable buildings using industry-recognized assessment and verification tool(s). [Mandatory] | Seeking to reach “Achieved”. Current framework addresses performance of space added to the portfolio or space being modified. Framework does not address performance of existing portfolio. | Conduct life-cycle assessments for major construction and renovation projects using an industry recognized tool. | Seeking to reach “Achieved”. Department has policy in place that requires LCAs for these types of projects. Compliance audit has not been undertaken. Since implementation of policy, no project has fallen within scope (likely due to limited RP work in the department). | Develop plans to address environmental performance assessment recommendations for existing Crown-owned buildings. | Seeking to reach “Achieved”. Site-specific energy performance teams are in place. Recommendations are fed into the department’s yearly planning cycle. Department is in the process of implementing an FBI project at one of its Forestry Centres in Sault Ste. Marie. | Manage the collection, diversion and disposal of workplace waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. Requires analyses of service level agreements that are in place. | Manage construction, renovation and demolition waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner. | Seeking to reach “Achieved”. This is a variable that is taken into consideration when conducting LCA assessments. Department requires LCA assessments to be conducted for major projects. | Develop an approach to improve performance of Crown-owned buildings via automation and commissioning. | Seeking to reach “Achieved”. Site-specific energy performance teams are in place. Recommendations are fed into the department’s yearly planning cycle. Automation and commissioning are taken into consideration. | Develop an approach to building operator training in Crown-owned buildings. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. | Integrate the use of sustainable real property performance management indicators into the investment decision-making process for Crown-owned assets in the building portfolio (e.g. density, energy intensity, facility condition etc.). | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. | Benchmark and report annually on the energy usage intensity of Crown-owned office buildings using an industry recognized tool. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. Department does measure energy intensity by building but it does not benchmark given the nature of its buildings. |
Best Practice 7.1.2. Real property managers and functional heads responsible for new construction, leases or existing building operations will have clauses related to environmental considerations incorporated into their performance evaluations. |
Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. |
Target 7.2: Green Procurement As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement. |
Link to department's PAA (optional) | |
Program or Sub-Program [No.]: [Title][4.1.3] [Internal Services- Acquisition, Materiel and Real Property] | |
Expected Result | |
Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services. | |
Performance Indicator | Targeted Performance Level |
Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place (as of April 1, 2014). | Departmental approach planned completion date April 1, 2015. The Green Procurement policy requires integration of environmental performance considerations into the process, including the planning, acquisition, use and disposal stages. NRCan will comply with the Policy on Green Procurement, paying particular attention in identifying and defining client needs prior to starting a formal procurement process. NRCan will also continue to participate in the interdepartmental monthly working level green procurement policy partners meeting. |
Number and percentage of specialists in procurement and/or materiel management who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course or equivalent, in the given fiscal year. | 40 out of 44 Percentage 90% |
Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution towards green procurement, in the given fiscal year. | Number 7 out of 8 Percentage 88% |
Departmental Green Procurement Target: Copy Paper By March 31, 2017, 90% of copy paper will contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and be certified to a recognized environmental standard to reduce the environmental impact of its production. |
Performance Indicator | Targeted Performance Level |
PI1: Percentage of copy paper purchases that contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and have forest certification of EcoLogoM or equivalent. | PI1: 90% [March 31, 2015] |
Departmental Green Procurement Target: Business Travel By March 31, 2021, GHG emissions from business-related travel will be reduced by 25% relative to 2008-09. |
Performance Indicator | Targeted Performance Level |
PI1: Amount spent on travel PI2: Emission associated with business in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in the year as provided by PWGSC. |
GHG emissions will be reduced by 25% by March 31, 2021. |
Departmental Green Procurement Target: Office Furniture | |
Performance Indicator | Targeted Performance Level |
PI: Dollar value or volume of office furniture purchases that meet the target objective relative to the total dollar value or volume of all office furniture purchases for the year in question. | PI: $120K (30%) by April 2015 (relative to anticipated total purchases of $400K per year, not counting repair and rental) |
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice | Targeted Performance Level | Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. | Seeking to reach “Achieved”. The use of departmental electronic tools like e-procurement and e-signature leverage the greening efforts of procurement. |
7.2.2. Incorporate environmental considerations into procurement instruments (applies to Public Works and Government Services only). | N/A (only apples PWGSC) |
Best Practice 7.2.3. Train acquisition cardholders on green procurement. |
This “Best Practice” will be considered when the Departmental Approach is developed by April 1, 2015 |
Best Practice 7.2.4. Increase awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement among managers. |
This “Best Practice” will be considered when the Departmental Approach is developed by April 1, 2015 |
Target 7.3: Sustainable Workplace Operations As of April 1, 2015, the Government of Canada will update and adopt policies and practices to improve the sustainability of its workplace operations. |
Expected Result | |
Departmental workplace operations have a reduced environmental impact. | |
Performance Indicator | Targeted Performance Level |
An approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace is in place by March 31, 2015. | Planned completion date to develop a departmental approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace is by March 31, 2015. |
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice | Targeted Performance Level | Engage employees in greening government operations practices. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the departmental approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace by March 31, 2015. | Integrate environmental considerations into corporate policies, processes and practices in accordance with departmental refresh cycles. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status by March 2016. From Real Property and Facilities aspects, this has been done to some extent through NRCan’s Environmental Policy, SOPs, the work done by the real property group and the AFD Contract. | Maintain or improve existing approaches to sustainable workplace practices (i.e. printer ratios, paper usage, and green meetings). | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Minimize the ratio of information technology (IT) assets per employee. | Defer to 2015-16 | Select and operate IT and office equipment in a manner that reduces energy consumption and material usage. | Defer to 2015-16 | Dispose of e-waste in an environmentally sound and secure manner. | Delete: SSC responsibility. | Reuse or recycle workplace materiel and assets in an environmentally sound and secure manner. | Delete: This is completed to the best of our knowledge and is primarily addressed through Crown Assets. | Minimize all non-hazardous solid waste generated and leverage service offerings to maximize the diversion of waste. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the departmental approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace by March 31, 2015. The Environmental Management Group conducts waste audits at NRCan owned facilities. They work with the facilities to help improve their diversion rates. | Increase the population density in office buildings and space utilization in special purpose buildings. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the departmental approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace by March 31, 2015. CMSS is continually working on ensuring that space within all its assets is optimized. | Maintain or improve sustainable fleet management. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the departmental approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace by March 31, 2015. |
Target 7.4 (Optional): Greening Services to Clients By March 31, 2015, departments will establish SMART targets to reduce the environmental impact of their services to clients. |
Expected Result | |
Departmental services to clients have a reduced environmental impact. | |
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice | Targeted Performance Level |
7.4.1. Conduct an analysis of client services and implement practices to reduce their environmental impact. |
Goal 8: Water Management | |
Target 8.1: Water Management By March 31, 2015, each department will update, as appropriate, the Real Property Sustainability Framework to define the custodian’s approach to sustainable water management in Crown-owned assets. |
Scope and Context (optional) | |
This would be overall water reduction for owned assets. | |
Expected Result | |
Water is managed sustainably in Government of Canada real property operations. | |
Performance Indicator | Targeted Performance Level |
Approach to improving water management included in Real Property Sustainability Framework by March 31, 2015. | Planned completion date March 31, 2015. NRCan does not actively or consistently monitor water consumption across its portfolio. |
Amount and percentage of floor space in buildings over optiona1000 m2 that includes water metering, in the given fiscal year (where feasible). | Crown, existing - Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: Performance indicator and target performance level will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. Extra time is required to work on the numbers. |
New Crown, built-to-lease - Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: Performance indicator and target performance level will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. Extra time is required to work on the numbers. | |
Major renovations - Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: Performance indicator and target performance level will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. Extra time is required to work on the numbers. | |
Leases - Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: Performance indicator and target performance level will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF which will be in place by March 2015. Extra time is required to work on the numbers. | |
Cubic meters of water used in a given facility when compared against a base line | |
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice | Targeted Performance Level | Conserve potable water. (mandatory if only it is feasible) | Seeking to reach “Achieved” by March 31, 2015, if decided to be feasible after consultations for update of Real property Sustainability Framework by that date. These have already been identified and taken in most facilities. More work would be needed in the sectors as some of their work is water intensive. | Manage storm water run-off. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. NRCan does not have any facilities that manage or collect rain water. | Improve the metering of water utility usage for existing Crown- owned buildings. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. NRCan-owned assets are currently monitored for water consumption in locations where municipal water is used. Further sub-metering would be helpful in determining if there are specific activities consuming water; however, a source of funds would be needed to add additional sub-meters. | Meter the water usage in new projects. | Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. This could be achieved with a sub-metering project, provided funds are available to install the meters. |
Best Practice 8.1.2 Conduct potable water audits in Crown-owned assets. |
Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. |
Best Practice 8.1.3 Analyze the water consumption data collected to determine steps to improve water management in Crown-owned assets. |
Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. This is already one of the aspects covered in NRCan’s Energy Audit program. Utility invoices are also collected, which include water. Further work specifically targeting water use in buildings could be completed should funds be available. |
Best Practice 8.1.4 Reclaimed non-potable water is used for landscape irrigation. |
Defer to 2015-16: Rationale: the required processes to monitor and report will be developed as part of the mandatory RPSF, which will be in place by March 2015. NRCan currently collects water data on a macro scale which currently identifies an estimate of the volume of water consumed by the department. |
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