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Greening Government Operations (GGO)

Not all targets are applicable to all departments. Please refer to Annex 1 of the 2013-2016 FSDS: “Responsibility for Greening Government Operations Targets by Department/Agency”.  Departments are encouraged to contribute to additional targets beyond what is required.

Performance indicators included in the table allow departments to succinctly report on targets under Theme IV. In most cases, only a few quantitative (e.g. kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent) or qualitative (e.g. ‘Yes’ [with planned/actual completion date]) indicators are required per target.

Explanations related to plans need to be summarized in the cell on the right-hand side of the corresponding indicators. In cases where an indicator cannot be reported on due to lack of data, departments should enter ‘data not available’ and mention any mitigation actions that were put in place to fill the data gap in the cell on the right-hand side of the corresponding indicators.

Departments can insert additional performance indicators, implementation strategies and targets that contribute to any of the three goals under FSDS Theme IV by adding rows to the table. Please delete any performance indicators or targets that do not apply to the department.

Departments are encouraged to thoroughly review the Greening Government Operations implementation guidelines and supplementary materials for information on scope, approach, roles and responsibilities, implementation actions and tools for all Theme IV targets.

Note: For complete guidance for reporting on Theme IV, please refer to the Guidelines for Reporting in the Greening Government Operations Supplementary Table.

  1. Departmental Strategies for Greening Government Operations Targets


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