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Deputy Head Confirmation Note

I approve the Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan (IAEP) of Natural Resources Canada for the fiscal years 2019-20 to 2023-24, which I submit to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) in accordance with the requirements of applicable TB policies.

As it pertains to the evaluation portion of this five-year rolling Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan, I confirm the IAEP:

  • For evaluation of all ongoing programs of grants and contributions with five-year average actual expenditures of $5 million or greater per year at least once every five (5) years, in fulfillment of the requirements of subsection 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act
  • Meets the requirements of the Mandatory Procedures for Evaluation
  • Supports the requirements of the expenditure management system including, as applicable, Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board submissions, and resource alignment reviews

I will ensure that this IAEP is updated annually, and I will provide information about its implementation to the TBS, as required.

Christyne Tremblay
Deputy Minister
Natural Resources Canada


Acronym Details
ADM Assistant Deputy Minister
AEB Audit and Evaluation Branch
CAEE Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive
CCA Climate Change Adaptation
CEAA Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
CEPRE Clean Energy Policy Research and Engagement
CERRC Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities
CESD Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
CFS Canadian Forest Service
CIRNAC Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
CMSS Corporate Management & Services Sector
CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
CPS Communications Portfolio Sector
DAC Departmental Audit Committee
DG Director General
DM Deputy Minister
DP Departmental Plan
DRF Departmental Results Framework
ECCC Environment and Climate Change Canada
ES Energy Sector
ESDC Employment and Social Development Canada
EVID Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Demonstration
FAA Financial Administration Act
FY Fiscal Year
GBA+ Gender-Based Analysis
GI Green Infrastructure
IA Internal Audit
IARS Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation Sector
IETS Innovation and Energy Technology Sector
IIA Institute of Internal Auditors
LMS Land and Minerals Sector
MAF Management Accountability Framework
MAP Management Action Plan
MPMO Major Projects Management Office
N/A Non Available
OAG Office of the Auditor General of Canada
OCG Office of the Comptroller General
OCS Office of the Chief Scientist
PS Public Safety Canada
IAEP Integrated Audit & Evaluation Plan
SPRS Strategic Policy & Results Sector
TB Treasury Board
TBC To be Confirmed
TBD To Be Determined
TBS Treasury Board Secretariat
TC Transport Canada


The Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan (IAEP), also referred to as the “Plan”, is prepared by the Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). It contains the details on the role of internal audit (IA), evaluation, the AEB’s planning methodology, and the planned projects for the next three fiscal year (FY) cycle for the audit function (FY 2019-2022), and next five (5) FY cycle for the evaluation function (FY 2019-2024).

The IAEP is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Treasury Board of Canada (TB) Policy on Internal Audit, along with related directives, guidelines, the Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, Section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act (FAA), and the TB Policy on Results.

When developing the plan, three (3) key government wide drivers that cross-cut both audits and evaluations were also considered, namely science, gender-based analysis (GBA+), and Indigenous issues. As a science based department, audits and evaluations are designed to provide evidence that contributes to and supports strong science and technology development.  Also, with the emergence of GBA+ as an important element in government programming, steps are being taken to ensure audits and evaluations support and highlight GBA+ considerations in their findings. Given NRCan’s mandate for resource development, and the priority of the reconciliation agenda, the role of Indigenous people is particularly important.

Audit Process

Each year, NRCan’s Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive (CAEE) is required to prepare a risk-based audit plan, which sets out the priorities of the internal audit activity that are consistent with the organization’s goals and priorities. The audit planning process ensures that all internal audit activities are relevant, timely, and strategically aligned with NRCan’s Corporate Risk Profile (CRP) to support the achievement of the Department’s strategic objectives. The input from NRCan’s Departmental Audit Committee (DAC), along with NRCan’s senior management, is sought and taken under advisement in setting internal audit activity priorities.

The starting point for the risk-based planning process is the identification of the audit universe, which for the purposes of this IAEP, is one half of the AEB’s ‘audit universe and evaluation framework’. This audit universe portion is updated annually to reflect the Department’s most current priorities. The audit universe characterizes the array of possible audit activities and is made up of auditable groupings; whereby, each grouping is comprised of a given number of entities, as it pertains to NRCan and its operating context. Auditable groupings commonly include programs, processes, policies, management activities and control systems, along with departmental and government-wide initiatives, which collectively contribute to the achievement of NRCan’s strategic objectives. NRCan’s audit universe is made up of 292 auditable entities that are categorized into 24 groupings. Based on this year’s (FY 2018-19) planning cycle update of the audit universe, assurance projects have been identified for 11 of the 24 groupings that were considered to be highest priority, based on risk.

All programs, management activities, processes, policies and control functions, along with departmental and government-wide initiatives are subjected to a risk assessment and risk ranking exercise to select audit and other assurance related projects in order of priority. Criteria used for selecting audit projects for the audit function’s three (3) year plan include- an assessment against three key risk factors, which include materiality, significance, and visibility; past audit coverage and results; auditability/readiness for an audit, which also considers fatigue experienced by a given organizational function; audit projects not completed from the previous year’s Plan; organizational priorities; high priority areas identified by central agencies, such as the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG) and Office of the Auditor General (OAG), among others; opportunities for improvement; and, legislated or other mandated obligations.

Prioritization of the audit universe is a two-step process. The first step includes management consultations, review, and consideration of the following available documentation: NRCan Minister’s mandate letter, the Departmental Results Framework (DRF), departmental risk information, including NRCan’s CRP; the latest Management Accountability Framework (MAF) assessment; recent departmental-wide assessments of IT and fraud risks, respectively; business planning documentation; NRCan’s Departmental Plan (DP) and its associated Departmental Results Report (DRR); Government priorities; and previous audit results (both internal and external), along with the most recent financial information and statements. Other factors are also considered, such as collaboration with NRCan’s Evaluation function to identify opportunities to perform joint assurance-based engagements in order to improve efficiency and minimize duplication of efforts.

The second step to prioritize the audit universe involves consideration of several factors, including significance to departmental strategic outcomes and operational objectives; senior management requests and priorities; the DAC’s advice and recommendations; external audit activities and planned evaluations; and, availability of internal resources. Following this step, professional judgement is still required to risk-assess and rank the auditable groupings. This is performed through collaborative discussions with NRCan senior management and the DAC, where emphasis is placed on projects planned for 2019-20 (the first year of the three (3) year plan), given that future projects are reassessed annually. Government and departmental priorities are also validated with senior management and the DAC to ensure planned audits align with higher priority areas. In addition, preliminary audit objectives are developed for each audit selected for the IAEP. The final plan is then reviewed by the DAC and approved by the Deputy Minister (DM).

Evaluation Process

The CAEE also oversees the development of an evaluation plan, as part of the 2019-2024 IAEP, which outlines the policy and operational context for evaluation services delivered at NRCan. The 2019-20 DRF contains possible programs that might be considered for evaluation over the course of the next five fiscal years. In selecting programs to be evaluated, priority was first given to all mandatory evaluations, including:

  • all ongoing programs of grants and contributions with average annual expenditures of $5 million (M) or more; and
  • evaluation commitments made as part of TB submissions.

Once all mandatory evaluations are accommodated within the evaluation portion of the Plan, consideration is given to corporate risks for the remaining programs within the evaluation framework, which is essentially NRCan’s DRF. The risk assessment exercise involves joint consultations with the audit function of the AEB to solicit senior management feedback on program risks and priorities for evaluation, as well as a review of departmental documentation (e.g., NRCan’s CRP, business planning documentation, NRCan’s DP and associated DRR, audit plans, and previous evaluation plans). Risks are assessed according to various program characteristics (e.g., upcoming renewal, materiality, visibility), management practices (e.g., structures, delivery complexity, performance measurement), past research findings, and upcoming audits. Evaluations are then planned for some of the remaining units of the evaluation framework according to the availability of evaluation resources and the program’s relative risk ranking.

The final evaluation portion of the Plan also considers feedback and/or requests from the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and makes accommodation for non-project related advisory and other activities to support the department in responding to broader federal initiatives related to experimentation, cross-cutting program reviews (e.g., Innovation, Science), or special studies (e.g., prospective evaluations to support program design). Given that the TB Policy on Results requires departments to submit a five (5) year evaluation plan, an evaluation schedule has been included identifying the complete list of planned evaluations. These evaluations will cover approximately 74% of NRCan’s total planned program spending (excluding planned evaluations that take place in FY 2018-19), which are subject to change during the actual scoping of the evaluations and exclude amounts for Internal Services and Statutory Payments.

The AEB uses a similar audit and evaluation planning approach as recommended by the TBS itself, and TBS’ OCG. The following diagram highlights the four common and key phases utilized by both the Audit and Evaluation functions, respectively, when developing a robust IAEP.

Illustration 1 – Four (4) Key Phases of the AEB’s Planning Update

Text Version

This figure highlights the four key phases of the selection process when developing a robust Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan (IAEP). It covers the initial stage where the audit universe and evaluation framework (AUEF) is defined, which consists of an array of potential NRCan programs and/or entities covering a period of up to 5 years, leading to the type of engagement that will be performed by the Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB)- e.g. audit, evaluation, joint project. The first quadrant represents the potential range of projects, which include departmental programs, processes, policies, management activities and control functions, as well as departmental and government initiatives that collectively contribute to the achievement of the Department’s core responsibilities. The AEB uses the Departmental Results Framework (DRF) as well as NRCan's inventory of external legislated services to ensure that the AUEF’s composition is as complete as possible. There are approximately 24 groupings of auditable entities and 33 performance information profiles, based on the activities that shape NRCan’s sectors and the DRF.

The next quadrant describes the environmental scan performed on the priorities of NRCan and the Government of Canada, respectively, in order to identify projects. A two-pronged process follows, which involves consultations with sector planners and senior management to obtain concurrence on possible audit topics, as well as verify evaluation requirements. The final quadrant outlines the prioritization and selection process, which is based on stated audit and evaluation requirements and the potential to add value to NRCan’s strategic outcomes and operational objectives. Part of this final stage includes seeking approval from the Deputy Minister on the IAEP, which consists of a 3-year plan for audit and 5-year plan for both evaluations and joint projects.

Table 1 – Number of new AEB Projects for both Audit and Evaluation Functions

Assurance Engagements & Other Projects 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Audit Projects 6 6 6 - -
Evaluation Projects 5 6 5 5 5
Joint Audit and Evaluation Projects 4 4 4 4 4
TOTAL 15 16 15 9 9

Table 2, below, provides a listing of AEB projects being carried forward from FY 2018-19.

Table 2 – Existing AEB Projects from FY 2018-19

Assurance Engagements
1. Annual Continuous Audit Report (CMSS)
2. Audit of the Federal Geospatial Program (SPRS)
3. Audit of Canada Lands Survey Program (LMS)
4. Audit of Project Management (CMSS)
Evaluation Projects
5. Forest Sector Innovation (CFS)
6. Energy Innovation Program (IETS)
7. Energy Efficiency Program (ES)
8. Expanding Market Opportunities / Forest Sector Competitiveness (CFS)
9. Major Projects Management Initiative (MPMO)
10. Electricity Resources: Renewable Energy (ES)
11. Energy and Climate Change Policy (ES)
12. Geoscience for Sustainable Development and Natural Resources: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5 (LMS)
13. Single Window Initiative (LMS)
14. Youth Employment Strategy (OCS - ESDC–led)
Joint Audit and Evaluation Projects
15. Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment  Initiative (ES, IETS)
16. Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (LMS)

Advisory Projects for FYs 2019-24

As an adjunct to the assurance and assessment roles, the AEB provides consulting/advisory services to the Department, as well. Approximately two (2) advisory projects per FY may be taken on by the AEB, which will be based on senior management priorities and the availability of AEB resources. For example, in FY 2019-20, the AEB will participate in a horizontal-led initiative called Federal Science and Technology Infrastructure Initiative, which will be led by Public Services and Procurement Canada with the involvement of other science-based organizations.

Planning Results

Table 3, below, summarizes the number of new internal audit projects, joint audit and evaluation projects, and evaluations selected for each FY for this Plan. In total, 64 of the highest priority AEB projects are planned for the next five (5) years, where applicable.

Table 3 – AEB Projects for Fiscal Years 2019-24

This table summarizes the number of new internal audit projects, joint audit and evaluation projects, and evaluations selected for each FY for this Plan. In total, 64 of the highest priority AEB projects are planned for the next five years, where applicable.

  2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Audits Lower Churchill Falls Loan Guarantees (ES) Management of Science (OCS – All Science Sectors) Capital Asset Management (CMSS - All Sectors)    
Management of Nuclear Waste (ES – Jointly with CNSC) Management of NRCan’s Real Property Strategy (CMSS – All Science Sectors) NRCan’s Risk Management Practices (SPRS – All Sectors)    
Management of NRCan’s Communication Function (CPS – All Sectors) Monitoring and Oversight of the Implementation of Departmental Priorities
(CMSS, SPRS – All Sectors)
Management of NRCan’s Cost Recovery Projects (CMSS – All Science Sectors)    
Mobilizing NRCan’s Open Government Strategy (CMSS – All Sectors) Implementation of NRCan’s IMT Strategy (CMSS - All Sectors) Cloud Computing (CMSS – All Sectors)    
Classification (CMSS – All Sectors) Management of Fed-Prov. Offshore Agreements (ES) Industry Engagement & Fed-Prov. Relations
(SPRS - All Sectors)
Horizontal Audit - Information for Decision Making (CMSS – OCG-led) Horizontal Audit - Performance Measurement (SPRS – OCG-led) TBD (CMSS – OCG-led)    
Continuous Audit Topics:
Pay and Benefits / Offshore Revenue and Payments / Grants and Contributions for FY 2019-20 (CMSS)
Joint Projects Impact Canada Clean Technology Stream (IETS)  Green Infrastructure (GI) - Electrical Vehicles & Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Demonstration Program & Smart Grids Program (IETS, ES) GI - Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program (ES, IETS, CFS) GI – Energy Efficient Buildings (ES, IETS) NRCan Environment Studies & Assessment Process (OCS – All Science Sectors)
Transition to the Departmental Results Framework (SPRS – All Sectors) GI –Emerging Renewables Program (ES) GC Wood - Green Construction via Wood (CFS) Management of Procurement Services (CMSS – All Sectors) Management of Partnerships & Science Integration (OCS - All Science Sectors)
Corporate Governance (SPRS, CMSS – All Sectors) NRCan’s Data Management Strategy (SPRS- All Sectors) Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy - Phase 2 (CFS) NRCan’s Contribution to the Canadian Space Strategy (LMS) Arctic and Northern Policy Framework (LMS, CFS)
NRCan’s Support of Indigenous Reconciliation (IARS – All Sectors) NRCan’s Experimentation Strategy (SPRS – All Sectors) Polar Continental Shelf Program (LMS) NRCan’s Capacity to Support Mining (LMS) NRCan International Actions (SPRS - All Sectors)
Evaluations Horizontal Clean Growth and Climate Change - International Cooperation (ECCC-Led ES, CFS) Program of Energy Research and Development Program (IETS) Green Mining Innovation  (LMS) Explosives Safety and Security  (LMS) Energy Efficiency for Climate Change Mitigation (ES)
Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe (LMS) Horizontal Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements
Horizontal Relevance, Impact and Economic Evaluation of the Oceans Protection Plan (TC-led, IETS) Horizontal Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (CEAA-led CFS, ES, LMS, SPRS) Canadian Geodetic Survey (LMS)
Climate Change Adaptation (LMS) Horizontal CCA Theme (ECCC-led, LMS,CFS) Horizontal Species at Risk Caribou (ECCC-led, CFS) Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources (LMS) Energy Innovation Program (IETS)
Clean Growth Hub (IETS) Horizontal Energy Sector’s Cyber Security Strategy (PS-led, ES) Indigenous Forestry Initiative (CFS) Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources (ES) Green Infrastructure Synthesis (IETS, CFS, ES)
Clean Growth Funding Program (IETS) Lower Carbon Transportation (ES) Horizontal Green Municipal Fund (ECCC-led, ES) Fiber Solutions (CFS) Forest Sector Innovation (CFS)
Horizontal Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (NRCan-led, IARS)

Future Joint Assurance Engagements

The Audit and Evaluation functions have held joint consultations with senior management and staff to ensure the most effective, efficient, and coordinated planning process. As a result, this year’s IAEP update includes twenty future assurance engagements where collaboration will take place. It should be noted that collaborative efforts will range from conducting joint interviews, the collection and sharing of information, to conducting hybrid audit and evaluation engagements.

Continuous Auditing of Core Controls

The AEB will continue to undertake assurance-based continuous auditing to proactively identify potential systemic control issues and report annually on various processes. This work will be performed in accordance with the IIA Standards (e.g. provide reasonable assurance). The work carried out will address key risks associated with significant departmental expenses. These have been identified in part, based on the results of the most recent Departmental Fraud Risk Assessment’s (FRA) Management Action Plans (MAPs).

The three (3) areas selected for continuous audit in 2019-20 are:

  • Pay & Benefits;
  • Offshore Revenues and Payments; and
  • Grants and Contributions Processes.

NRCan’s annual report on continuous audit activities will be completed for the DAC’s Fall 2019 meeting.

Central Agency Audit Projects for FYs 2019-20 – 2021-22

The Department is also subject to audits by other assurance providers. Table 4 provides a listing of known external audit projects that are currently planned for FYs 2019-20 to 2021-22, with the expected tabling dates.  

Table 4 – Planned External Audit Projects for FYs 2019-20 to 2021-22

By Other External Assurance Provider: Audit Project Title / Name
(i.e. potential involvement):
Expected Tabling Date:
Office of the Comptroller General Horizontal Audit of Information for Decision Making TBD
Horizontal Audit of Performance Measurement TBD
Office of the Auditor General Audit of Public Accounts (Annual) Fall 2019
Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Review of the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategies Contribution to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy Goal 8: Sustainably Managed Lands Fall 2019
Audit of Mitigation of Severe Weather Events / Search and Rescue Fall 2019
Audit of Federal Public Consultation Spring 2020
Audit of Canadian Water Basins Spring 2020
Public Service Commission Audit of System-Wide Staffing Spring 2019
Audit of Credential Validation TBD

Audit of Public Accounts for FY 2019-20

The AEB has received indications that the OAG will discontinue NRCan’s management of its Offshore Revenue activities from their annual public accounts audit program, as this area is no longer material for the purpose of the Public Accounts Audit. As such, with the support of NRCan management, the audit function has decided to maintain the audit testing on the controls related to Offshore Revenue, given the Department’s high visibility and importance to NRCan’s relationships with applicable provinces. Moreover, this proactive measure will allow the Department to be further prepared, should questions arise from the OAG, DM, or Minister.

Follow-up on Previous Audit & Evaluation Recommendations

The follow-up process at NRCan is a two-phase process, which begins with a management self-assessment of the level of implementation for each MAP. In the fall, the AEB reports on the status of the implementation of recommendations based on management’s self-assessment. Subsequent to this, each winter, as part of a second phase, AEB validates recommendations that are self-assessed as fully implemented to ensure they are complete and no further action is required. The validation approach includes the following procedures: conducting interviews; reviewing supporting evidence; and performing analysis and testing based on risk. Once completed, a Follow-Up Report is produced and approved by the DM. Once approved, it is sent to the OCG.

AEB Capacity

The AEB’s forecasted budget for FY 2019-20 is $5.4 million, of which $3.2 million is allocated to the audit function and the remaining $2.2 million to the evaluation function. An estimate of total resource capacity available was developed and allocated to AEB activities using metrics based on past experience. Approximately 7,350 person days of direct assurance engagement, evaluations and advisory service capacity for 42 professional positions are required for 2019-20 projects. The AEB has the capacity to deliver the proposed IAEP within the resources allocated to it, as well as the capacity to engage in other Branch activities, such as the preparation of the IAEP, follow-up on the implementation of recommendations, performing special studies, performance reporting, professional practices, and external audit liaison.

Appendix – Five (5) Year Evaluation Schedule (FYs 2019-24)

Departmental Results Framework (DRF) Program Planned Evaluations – Including Joint Projects
(next 5 years)
Planned Approval (FY) FY 2019-20 Estimated Program Spending covered by Evaluation ($) FY 2019-20 Total Planned
DRF Program Spending ($)
Evaluation Driver/Rationale
1.01 Canadian Geodetic Survey: Spatially Enabling Canada Canadian Geodetic Survey 2023-24 5,659,444 5,659,444 NRCan Priority
1.03 Core Geospatial Data NRCan’s Data Management Strategy – Core Geospatial Data / Innovative Geospatial Solutions and Clean Tech Data 2020-21 15,012,628 15,012,628 NRCan Priority
1.05 Canada Lands Survey System Canada Lands Survey System 2019-20 12,172,017 12,172,017 TB Commitment
1.06 Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Targeted Geoscience Initiative Phase 5 2019-20 10,299,886 26,548,273  
Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources 2022-23 16,248,387 NRCan Priority
1.07 Pest Risk Management Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy, Phase 2 2021-22 16,536,245 23,724,920 FAA Required
1.08 Forest Climate Change Horizontal Roll-up of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Theme (ECCC-led) 2021-22 848,830 10,584,648 TB Commitment
1.09 Climate Change Adaptation NRCan Climate Change Adaptation Program 2020-21 12,869,582 11,026,199 TB Commitment
Horizontal Roll-up of Climate Change Adaptation 
2021-22 TBC TB Commitment
1.10 Explosives Safety and Security Explosives Safety and Security Program 2021-22 6,328,863 6,328,863 NRCan Priority
1.11 Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe 2019-20 14,175,143 17,175,143 TB Commitment
NRCan Climate Change Adaptation Program 2020-21 3,000,000 TB Commitment
Horizontal Roll-up of Climate Change Adaptation  
2021-22 TBC TB Commitment
1.13 Polar Continental Shelf Program Polar Continental Shelf Program 2019-20 7,392,750 7,392,750 NRCan Priority
2.01 Clean Energy Technology Policy, Research and Engagement Horizontal Clean Growth Hub                   (NRCan-led) 2019-20 1,490,000 77,517,143 TB Commitment
Program of Energy Research and Development (PERD) 2020-21 67,190,000 NRCan Priority
NRCan’s Data Management Strategy – Core Geospatial Data / Innovative Geospatial Solutions and Clean Tech Data 2020-21 2,086,108 NRCan Priority
Horizontal Relevance, Impact and Economic Eval of the Oceans Protection Plan
2021-22 1,195,800 TB Commitment
2.02 Clean Growth in Natural Resource Sectors Horizontal Impact Canada Clean Technology Stream 2019-20 27,989,694 82,563,058 FAA Required
Clean Growth Funding Program 2019-20 53,419,056 FAA Required
2.03 Energy Innovation Program Green Infrastructure (GI) –  Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Demonstration & Smart Grids (GI- EVID & Smart Grids) 2020-21 12,200,000 97,828,054 FAA Required
GI - Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (CERRC) 2022-23 7,700,000 FAA Required
GI- Energy Efficient Buildings 2022-23 4,000,000 TB Commitment
Energy Innovation Program 2023-24 73,928,054 FAA Required
2.04 Green Mining Innovation Green Mining Innovation Program 2022-23 15,713,887 15,713,887 NRCan Priority
2.05 Fibre Solutions Fibre Solutions 2023-24 11,811,139 11,717,311 NRCan Priority
2.07 Sustainable Forest Management Horizontal Species at Risk (ECCC-led) 2021-22 1,017,900 6,282,791 TB Commitment
2.08 Lower Carbon Transportation Electric Vehicle and Alt Fuel Deployment 2019-20 16,500,000 24,735,147 FAA Required
Lower Carbon Transportation 2020-21 8,235,147 TB Commitment
2.09 Electricity Resources GI- EVID & Smart Grids 2020-21 14,730,678 158,778,058 FAA Required
GI – Emerging Renewables Program 2022-23 49,937,480 FAA Required
GI - CERRC Program 2022-23 7,908,984 FAA Required
2.10 Energy Efficiency Horizontal Green Municipal Fund (ECCC-led) 2021-22 TBC 53,003,633 FAA Required
GI - CERRC Program 2022-23 500,000 FAA Required
Energy Efficient Buildings 2022-23 4,124,453 TB Commitment
Energy Efficiency for Climate Change Mitigation 2023-24 39,000,000 TB Commitment
2.11 Energy and Climate Change Policy Horizontal Clean Growth and Climate Change – International Cooperation  (ECCC-led) 2020-21 2,018,848 7,563,627 NRCan Priority
2.12 Innovative Geospatial Solutions NRCan’s Data Management Strategy – Core Geospatial Data / Innovative Geospatial Solutions and Clean Tech Data 2020-21 14,367,311 14,367,311 NRCan Priority
3.01 Forest Sector Competitiveness Horizontal Clean Growth and Climate Change – International Cooperation  (ECCC-led) 2020-21 633,851 98,742,643 TB Commitment
Green Construction via Wood 2021-22 8,030,429 FAA Required
Indigenous Forestry Initiative 2021-22 4,229,943 NRCan Priority
GI - CERRC program 2022-23 10,173,979 FAA Required
Forest Sector Innovation 2023-24 26,651,198 FAA Required
3.02 Provision of Federal Leadership in Minerals and Metals Sector Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act 2019-20 10,068,295 10,743,532 NRCan Priority
3.03 Energy Safety and Security and Petroleum Resources Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources 2022-23 7,902,284 7,902,284 NRCan Priority
Energy Sector’s Cyber Security Strategy (PS-led) 2020-21 19,836,600 19,836,600 TB Commitment
3.04 International Energy Engagement Horizontal Clean Growth and Climate Change – International Cooperation  (ECCC led) 2020-21 3,146,731 4,626,787 TB Commitment
3.06 Natural Resources Canada's Indigenous Partnerships Office Horizontal Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees (NRCan-led) 2020-21 14,500,000 20,139,828 TB Commitment
3.08 Science & Technology Internship Program Horizontal Youth Employment Strategy (GAC-led) 2019-20 9,298,120 9,298,120 FAA Required
1.02 Geological Knowledge for Canada’s Onshore and Offshore Land N/A N/A N/A 33,424,890 N/A
1.04 Canada-US International Boundary Treaty N/A N/A N/A 1,980,443 N/A
1.12 Wildfire Risk Management N/A N/A TBC 6,929,115 N/A
2.06 Cumulative Effects TBC   TBC 14,211,829 N/A
3.05 Statutory Payments N/A N/A N/A Excluded N/A
3.07 Major Projects Management Office Initiative N/A N/A N/A 6,101,598 Report Pending
TBC Horizontal Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes  (CEAA-led) 2022-23 19,940,397 19,940,397 TB Commitment
TOTAL: $692,020,141 $939,572,971  
Percentage of FY 2019-20 Total Planned Program Spending Covered by five (5) year IAEP 73.65%*
Table Notes:
(1) N/A - Programs denoted Not Applicable (N/A) indicate no planned evaluations; given that, it was deemed to be either low risk / recently evaluated and/or pertain to an applicable evaluation driver.
(2) TBC - To be confirmed pending funding distribution through the DRF Program Inventory.
(3) Calculation of Coverage excludes DRF Program 3.05 Statutory Payments and Internal Services.
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