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Regulatory Initiative: Proposed Energy Safety and Security Act (Part 1) Regulations

Title or working title of the Regulatory Initiative:

Energy Safety and Security Act (Part 1) Regulations

Description of the objective:

Enabling Act: Energy Safety and Security Act

The proposed regulations are being developed in order to implement the offshore elements of the new Energy Safety and Security Act. The regulations will address the following topics:

  • Administrative Monetary Penalties;
  • Cost Recovery; and
  • Financial Requirements.

Indication of business impacts:

There are no expected business impacts. Administrative burden is to be determined.

Public consultation opportunities:

General consultation practices will be undertaken as follows:

  • Workshops – key industry and general interest group stakeholders will be invited to discuss proposed regulations and follow up with written feedback.
  • The proposed regulations will be published in Part I of the Canada Gazette for general public comment prior to coming into force.

Departmental contact:

Samuel Millar
Senior Director, Frontier Lands Management Division
Petroleum Resources Branch, Energy Sector


For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

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