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Energy Management Matrix for Stores, Supermarkets and Malls

Rating Energy Policy Information
and Gathering
Implementing Energy
Water Management
  • Senior management is committed to an environmental strategy that includes an energy policy and action plan with regular review
  • A comprehensive system is established to track both consumption and budget expenditures, and to identify faults and savings opportunities
  • Savings are reported to employees and customers
  • Excellent maintenance and purchasing practices
  • Positive discrimination in favour of green schemes that include investment appraisals of all new building and retrofit opportunities
  • Formal policy established, but with only minimal commitment from senior management
  • Policy reviewed irregularly
  • Limited knowledge among staff of policy's existence
  • Tracking system established for premises and major users, where possible
  • Savings are not reported to employees and customers
  • Very good maintenance and purchasing practices
  • Same payback criteria employed as in all other investments
  • The policy set by facility managers is not adopted
  • Consumption tracking is based on actual meter readings
  • Analysis of trends and input is part of budget planning
  • Reasonably good maintenance and purchasing practices
  • Energy efficiency investments based only on short-term payback criteria
  • An unwritten set of guidelines is used
  • Annual reporting of costs is based on analysis of utility bills, with some analysis of yearly trends
  • Limited, good maintenance and purchasing practices
  • No investments in energy efficiency upgrades
  • No explicit policy on energy management
  • Meter readings are not recorded, and bills are not analysed
  • Poor maintenance practices
  • No consideration of investments in energy efficiency or purchasing practices


  • Formal and informal two-way channels of communications established among facility's energy coordinator, staff and customers
  • Campaign established to raise awareness of energy efficiency; it includes regular publicity aimed at staff and customers
  • Some ad hoc awareness training exists for all building users
  • Informal contacts established to communicate facility's performance on energy and water, as well as plans for improvement
  • No communication of facility's energy-consumption performance

Organizing for Energy Efficiency

  • Energy management fully integrated into operational structure
  • Clear delegation of responsibilities for monitoring energy consumption
  • Role of facility-resource manager is recognized
  • Resource manager is accountable to senior management on issues of energy efficiency
  • An energy coordinator is in place, but line management and authority are unclear
  • Energy-management responsibilities have been identified, but are not coordinated
  • No resource-management personnel, nor any formal delegation of responsibility for energy consumption


  • Appropriate involvement of staff and customers in facility's energy management
  • Coordinated approach to energy efficiency education includes links to facility energy policy
  • Some opportunities to teach about energy efficiency are identified
  • Uncoordinated delivery of energy efficiency education in the facility
  • No teaching of energy-efficient practices

Leading Canadians to Energy Efficiency at Home, at Work and on the Road
The Office of Energy Efficiency of Natural Resources Canada
strengthens and expands Canada's commitment to energy efficiency
in order to help address the challenges of climate change.

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