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Process Integration Incentive Program: Results and Impacts 2004-2013

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Authors: Philippe Navarri and Bruno Poulin, Natural Resources Canada

CETC Number: 2013-193

Publication Date: 2014-06-20


In recent years, over 60 Canadian plants in various industrial sectors have used Natural Resources Canada’s PI Incentive Program to improve their energy performance and reduce their production costs. A recent impact study conducted among these plants revealed that the PI Incentive Program helped to generate:

  • Annual savings of $75M with an average payback period of 1.5 year
  • Annual greenhouse gas emission reductions of more than 400,000 tonnes, equivalent to the emissions of more than 100,000 cars
  • An increase in annual electricity generation of 460,000 MWh through cogeneration, equivalent to the electricity consumption of 39,000 homes

Yet, the results obtained thus far represent only about 10% of potential country-wide impacts. In Canada, over 600 plants in a wide range of sectors including pulp and paper, food processing, oil extraction and refining, chemicals and metal processing could benefit from significant gains through process integration.

For more information about Natural Resources Canada’s activities related to process integration, visit the Process Integration and Pinch Analysis section of the website.

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