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COGEN is a free software tool to simulate and optimize industrial cogeneration systems. COGEN enables users to easily evaluate and improve the energy and economic efficiency of industrial cogeneration systems. The software includes a user-friendly graphical interface that helps to quickly identify existing inefficiencies and opportunities for optimizing heat and power production.

The COGEN software was developed by CanmetENERGY in Varennes, a Natural Resources Canada research centre, and can be downloaded and used only in Canada.

Download the COGEN software
Download the COGEN brochure (PDF, 3.2 MB)

System requirements

Microsoft® Windows 7 or higher. For Windows XP, an update to Service Pack 2 may be required.
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher.


We would very much appreciate your comments and suggestions regarding the software tool. Please send your feedback to:


By downloading this software, the user accepts the terms and conditions of the licence agreement.

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