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Lead Authors - British Columbia

Photo of Ian J. Walker

Ian J. Walker is an Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.  His research expertise includes beach-dune geomorphology and sedimentary processes and assessing the signals and coastal impacts of climate variability and sea-level rise.  Dr. Walker lead a multi-disciplinary team of researchers in a CCIAP-funded study of the environmental and community vulnerabilities on one of Canada's most sensitive coastlines to sea-level rise - NE Graham Island, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), BC. Professor Walker also works closely with Parks Canada to monitor beach-dune dynamics and coastal erosion in Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site, Gulf Islands National Park, and PEI National Park.

Photo of Robin Sydneysmith

Robin Sydneysmith is a researcher at the University of British Columbia where he focuses on research concerned with community and policy dimensions of climate change, vulnerability and institutional capacity and the linking of adaptation, mitigation and sustainability.  Robin is also a lecturer in the Department of Sociology where he teaches 3rd and 4th year courses in Environmental Sociology and Sociology of Natural Resources.  He received his PhD from the University of Glasgow, Scotland and a BA (Geog) from Simon Fraser University.  For his doctoral research Robin carried out an ethnographic study of non-timber forest product use and peasant economy in western Amazonia and spent several years in the ENGO sector working on a range of natural resource, land use, and indigenous peoples issues.

Contributing Authors

Diana Allen (Simon Fraser University)
Katrina Bennett (Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium)
Karin Bodtker (Living Oceans Society)
Derek Bonin (Metro Vancouver)
Barry Bonsal (Environment Canada)
Allan Carroll (Natural Resources Canada)
Stewart Cohen (Environment Canada)
Audrey Dallimore (Royal Roads University)
Holly Dolan (Rural Secretariat, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
Ze'ev Gedalof (University of Guelph)
Alison Gill (Simon Fraser University)
Richard Hebda (Royal British Columbia Museum and University of Victoria)
Robert Hicks (BC Water and Waste Association – Water Sustainability Committee)
Philip Hill (Natural Resources Canada)
Kim Hyatt (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Ralph Matthews (University of British Columbia)
Brian Menounos (University of Northern British Columbia)

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