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Lead Authors - Northern Canada

Photo of Chris Furgal

Chris Furgal is an Assistant Professor in the Indigenous Environmental Studies Program, cross-appointed between the Departments of Environmental and Resource Studies / Science and Indigenous Studies at Trent University.  He received his B.Sc. from the University of Western Ontario and his M.Sc. and PhD. From the University of Waterloo.  He is also currently the Co-Director the Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments, one of nine CIHR funded centres for Aboriginal health research and training in Canada. His current work focuses on environmental health risk assessment, management and communication in northern Aboriginal communities.

Photo of Terry Prowse

Terry Prowse is a Senior Scientist/Project Chief in the Water and Science Technology Directorate of Environment Canada, and a Professor and Research Chair of Climate Impacts on Water Resources at the Water and Climate Impacts Research Centre, University of Victoria. He received his B.E.S at the University of Waterloo, his M.Sc at Trent University and his Ph.D. at the University of Canterbury. Terry's expertise lie in cold regions hydrology, with special focus on river ice, lake ice and snow, hydro-ecology of river systems, hydro-climatology as well as the impacts of climate change on water resources.

Contributing Authors

Barry Bonsal (Environment Canada)
Rebecca Chouinard (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada)
Cindy Dickson (Council of Yukon First Nations)
Tom Edwards (University of Waterloo)
Laura Eerkes-Medrano (University of Victoria)
Francis Jackson (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada)
Humfrey Melling (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Dave Milburn (consultant)
Scot Nickels (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami)
Mark Nuttall (University of Alberta)
Aynslie Ogden (Yukon Department of Energy, Mines and Resources)
Daniel Peters (Environment Canada)
Jim Reist (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Sharon Smith (NaturalResources Canada)
Michael Westlake (Northern Climate Exchange)
Fred Wrona (Environment Canada and University of Victoria)

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