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Lead Authors - Background Information

Fiona Warren

Photo of Fiona WarrenA senior science advisor with the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division at Natural Resources Canada. She has worked with this group since completing a masters degree (McMaster University) in ecosystem biogeochemistry in 2000. She was the principal author, as well as a co-editor of the 2004 report Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective.  She has been an expert reviewer of several reports and papers on climate change issues. In addition to her responsibilities as scientific editor of the present assessment report, Fiona was lead author for Chapter 2 (Background Information, Concepts, Overviews and Approaches) and an author of the Synthesis Report and the Introduction.

Paul Egginton

Photo of Paul EggintonPaul has been involved in climate change issues throughout his career.  From 1975 to 1997, he worked as a researcher with the Geological Survey of Canada and was a contributor to the Mackenzie Basin Impact Study. In 1997, he became a Senior Science Advisor on Climate Change to the Assistant Deputy Minister, Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada. Paul has served as Director of the Terrain Sciences Division of the Geological Survey of Canada, and as Executive Director of the Government of Canada's Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program from the position's inception in 2002 until his retirement in June 2005.

Contributing Authors

Elaine Barrow (consultant, Regina, SK)
Claude Desjarlais (Ouranos Consortium)
Henry Hengeveld (Environment Canada)
Don Lemmen (Natural Resources Canada)
Guillaume Simonet (Ouranos Consortium)

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