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Joint Statement from the Department of Natural Resources of Canada and the Department of Energy and Climate Change of the United Kingdom Concerning Carbon Capture and Storage

Her Majesty's Government
Government of Canada

The Department of Natural Resources of Canada (NRCan) and the Department of Energy and Climate Change of the United Kingdom (DECC), hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”,  

Considering that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a technology of global importance in efforts to reduce carbon emissions, to meet the shared challenge of climate change whilst maintaining security of energy supplies and ensuring economic competitiveness,

Noting the Joint Statement of the G7 Rome Energy Ministerial Meeting of June 2014, which stated the intention of G7 countries to promote the use of low carbon technologies (renewable energies, nuclear in the countries which opt to use it, and CCS) including those which work as a base load energy source,

Noting the Canada-United Kingdom Joint Declaration statement endorsed in London on 12 February 2014,  concerning their commitment, as world leaders in CCS technology, to build on their close collaboration through a refresh of their 2008 bilateral joint statement on CCS; and

Noting the 2012 UK-Canada Joint Innovation Statement, establishing a framework of cooperation between the UK and Canada on CCS,

Considering that Canada is exploring CCS technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors of its economy, including coal-fired power generation and the oil sands and that it is actively advancing CCS projects, with four commercial-scale projects in operation or under construction, as part of their efforts to protect the environment and develop our energy resources in a responsible manner,

Considering that Canada and the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia have invested over $1.8 billion in funding for carbon capture and storage,

Considering that the United Kingdom (UK) is committed to helping make CCS a viable option for reducing emissions in the UK, and by doing so accelerate the economic potential for CCS to be deployed elsewhere and launched in April 2012 a CCS Roadmap, which includes: a £1 billion CCS Commercialisation programme to support commercial-scale CCS; a £125m 4 year coordinated R&D and innovation programme, incorporating a new UK CCS Research Centre; development of market-based mechanisms to unlock low carbon electricity generation through Electricity Market Reform (EMR); and a programme of international engagement focused on global knowledge sharing,

Considering that the UK and Canada aim to be the best places in the world to invest in innovative new technologies.

Have come to the following understanding:

  1. Research and Innovation Cooperation          

    The Participants will:
  1. build on existing research and development partnerships between Canadian and UK research centres, 
  2. develop joint research projects, reciprocal visits, and access to testing at experimental, laboratory and project site facilities between government, industry, research institutions or universities,
  3. pursue joint CCS-themed academic programmes between Canadian and UK Universities.

The Participants understand that possible thematic areas for their enhanced cooperation may include:

  1. capture cost reduction as a key focus,
  2. subsurface reservoir characterization,
  3. enhanced oil recovery as a means of CO2 storage,
  4. measuring, monitoring and verification protocols,
  5. CO2 pipeline and infrastructure development,
  6. public confidence and engagement.
  1. Knowledge Sharing    

    The Participants will facilitate a framework to share information on learnings from CCS research, development, and demonstration, where appropriate.
    The Participants will share experience in CCS regulation.
    The Participants will explore two-way secondments between key UK and Canadian CCS institutions (including Governmental) to embed best practice and deepen policy and technical expertise. 
  1. International Engagement

    The Participants will work together to promote understanding of and generation of market-pull conditions for CCS technology through groups such as the G7, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF), the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), the International Energy Forum (IEF), and the UNFCCC.

    The Participants will use their shared expertise in CCS to explore joint work by UK and Canada CCS experts with key CCS third partner countries, as their CCS policies and implementation evolve.
  1. Framework

    The Participants will jointly monitor implementation of this Joint Statement, conducting a stocktake of progress on an annual basis.
  2. Final Dispositions          
  1. This Joint Statement will take effect on the date of its signature by the Participants.
  2. The Participants may amend this Joint Statement upon their mutual written consent.


Signed at London On November 18,2014 , in the English and French languages, each version being equally valid.

Bob Hamilton

For the Department of Natural Resources of Canada

Matthew Hancock

For the Department of Energy and Climate Change of the United Kingdom

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