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Alternative Fuels Directory

Government of Canada – Federal



  • Canadian Biomass Innovation Network – Coordinates the Federal Government's interdepartmental research and development activities in the area of bioenergy, biofuels, industrial bioproducts and bioprocesses.
  • Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance – Federal government initiative that will demonstrate and evaluate fuelling options for fuel cell vehicles in Canada.
  • CANMET Energy Technology Centre – Research and development arm of Natural Resources Canada that develops and delivers knowledge- and technology-based programs for the sustainable production and use of Canada's energy supply.
  • Clean Energy Portal – Access to Canada's burgeoning environmental energy sector and up-to-date details on international climate change initiatives.
  • Fuel Focus – Clear, transparent and timely information on fuel prices, oil and gasoline markets and ways to manage energy costs from Natural Resources Canada.
  • Hydrogen Economy Portal – Information related to the Canadian hydrogen and fuel cell industry and relevant organizations, initiatives and events.
  • Office of Energy Efficiency – Provides background and tips on fuel-efficient vehicles.


  • Canada's Clean Air Act – The Act and subsequent Notice of Intent to regulate demonstrate a commitment to the establishment of short-, medium- and long-term industrial air pollution targets.
  • Renewable Fuels Regulations  - Background and context for the Government of Canada’s regulations on renewable fuels.

Provincial and Territorial Governments

Non-Governmental Organizations

  • American Coalition for Ethanol – Grassroots voice of the U.S. ethanol industry.
  • Clean Vehicle Education Foundation – Coordinates and implements public awareness, education, market research, codes and standards and technology programs on alternative fuel systems.
  • David Suzuki Foundation – Promotes sustainable solutions to energy needs, from renewable sources like wind and solar power.
  • Pollution Probe – examines renewable fuels in Green Power section.
  • – Free renewable energy project kit that explores wind energy, water energy, solar energy, biomass energy and more.
  • The Biodiesel Project (PDF, 884 KB) – Community-scale biodiesel production founded by two University of British Columbia students.
  • The Pembina Institute – Conducts policy research and education programs on sustainable energy, climate change, environmental governance, ecological fiscal reform, sustainability indicators, and the environmental impacts of the energy industry.

Industry Associations



  • Emissions Calculator – Calculates the tail pipe and greenhouse gas emission reductions from using different fuel types.
  • CO2 Calculator – Find out how much CO2 your community can prevent from entering the atmosphere by cutting back unnecessary vehicle idling.
  • Fuel Consumption Ratings – Compare the fuel consumption of various makes and models of vehicles for a specific model year.

Climate Change

  • Climate Change – Information from Environment Canada.
  • Climate Institute – U.S.-based non-profit that leads symposia, conferences, roundtables, and special briefings on climate change issues.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – International body that assesses scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.

Consumer Sites

Publications and Film

Research and Development

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