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Back to school with energy savings

It’s that time of year again… back to school. Whether it’s back to grade school or university set your kids up with energy savings!

How to stay cool all summer

Staying cool on hot summer days can be tough on your wallet. Here are some energy-efficient, low-cost summer tips to help you keep your home comfortable and your utility bills under control.

Beat the heat and keep your home comfortable

When it’s too hot outside, we’ll do almost anything to stay cool. Before you crank your thermostat down to arctic levels, consider these smart habits to beat the heat and avoid rising energy bills.

Five tips to help get you through allergy season

Struggling with seasonal sniffles? Manage your allergies and save energy with these tips.

Simple tips for brighter savings

Lights are a big part of our lives, so might as well use them as efficiently as possible. It’s a bright idea and as easy as flicking a switch!

It's lights out for halogens in Europe…

Halogen lightbulbs are now banned across Europe, replaced by more energy efficient bulbs. Retailers are permitted to sell off existing stock, and consumers can still use their halogen bulbs until they run out; but as of September 1st, 2018, retailers have only been able to restock with more energy efficient alternatives, such as LEDs.

Guide to residential water heaters

Last in line to take your shower, again, and there’s no more hot water? This is one reason you might start thinking about a new water heater. With many options to choose from, it’s important to learn and understand the benefits of different systems.

