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Humidity levels—cooling and ventilating equipment

Homes today are more airtight than houses of the past. As a result, moisture can build up inside, especially during winter when windows are kept closed. Dampness, mould growth on walls and heavy condensation on windows are signs of too much moisture.

Over time, this excess wetness can cause poor air quality and damage the structure of a home.

Follow these suggestions to reduce moisture.

Check your humidifier.
If your furnace has a humidifier, set it lower to reduce humidity levels.

Ensure that your clothes dryer vents outside. Install exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens, and make sure the fans vent directly to the outside. Consider installing a heat recovery ventilator to increase ventilation and reduce humidity.

Create less moisture.
Use lids on pots when cooking. Keep your showers short. Store wood outdoors.

Keep moisture out.
Cover exposed earth floors in basements and crawl spaces with moisture barriers. Install a sump pump to remove excess moisture under the foundation. Fix water leaks in the basement. Make sure the grading slopes away from your house so water does not flow towards the foundation. Ensure eaves troughs adequately divert water away from your home.

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