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Commercial coffee brewers

Buy ENERGY STAR® to save you money!


An ENERGY STAR certified commercial coffee brewer uses 35% less energy, on average, than a standard model. Individually, coffee brewers use relatively little energy but collectively the energy savings can be significant. Saving energy saves money and reduces your carbon footprint.

Commercial coffee brewers are available in many different types, configurations and sizes. Depending on the establishment, usage patterns can also vary greatly. In general, there are three main types of brewers: single-cup, batch and urn/satellite brewers.

Coffee brewer

Compared to a standard model, an ENERGY STAR certified commercial coffee brewer will save you $215 over the lifetime of the product.

Key features

  • ENERGY STAR certified commercial coffee brewers include well-insulated tanks, which reduce heat loss and offer better temperature uniformity within the tank from top to bottom.
  • Energy saving modes: certified coffee brewers may include programmable auto-power down functions that switch off the warming plate, or an optional low power mode that is designed by the manufacturer to use less energy than the appliance’s ready-to-brew state.

Helpful tips

  • Commercial coffee brewers vary in design and capacity. Make sure you take the time to do your research on the type that best meets your needs.
  • Look for brewers that include features like an “energy save” mode or that automatically power down when idle or not in use.
  • Read owners’ manuals and operating guidelines to ensure you are benefitting from energy-saving features of your commercial kitchen products.
  • Use timers to ensure that coffee maker heating elements are not operating during off-hours.


All ENERGY STAR certified products are tested to meet strict efficiency specifications and are certified by an independent third party. They perform the same as or better than standard products without compromising performance in any way.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.


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