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Manufacturer Participation


How are presenters chosen?

Regional LEEP builder planning groups identify suppliers that have advanced product offerings for their LEEP technologies of interest. In selecting presenters, the builder groups consider factors such as technical fit and local supply chain support.

How is the content requirement determined?

Regional builder planning groups specify the content they want addressed in technical presentations on specific LEEP-selected technologies, and then decide which manufacturers they want to invite. They often ask the invited manufacturer to:

  1. Address how to use the product in a particular application on a specific home.
  2. Provide the costs for the product and the expected costs for installing it in the above specified home application.
  3. Provide information on the local supply and service support network for the product.
  4. Respond to 3 to 5 key questions that the LEEP builder group has specified.

In return, manufacturers are able to present to a large group (50-200) of interested regional builders, and have an opportunity to offer field trial support.

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