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Annex A: Notice of Project Application form

To formally apply to the ecoENERGY RP program, a proponent must complete and send the Notice of Project Application form (Part I and II) and attach all required supporting documents. The following points provide further explanation of requested information:

  1. Name of the proposed project: Provide the name of the proposed project in the space provided in the form. Please consider choosing a name if it has not yet been done so that we can better identify the project.
  2. Proposed technology (wind, low-impact hydro, PV, biomass, other [specify]): Provide the name of the technology.
  3. Name of proponent: Provide the organization's name, business registration number and jurisdiction of business, if applicable.
  4. Contact name of the project manager: Provide the name and position of the project manager. Provide co-ordinates in Part II.
  5. Location of the proposed project within a province or territory: Provide the name of the nearest landmark that is used to identify the project and the name of the province or territory in the space provided. Attach an area map showing the designated site of the project and co-ordinates of the four corners of the project site.
  6. Proof of access to land and energy resource: The proponent must show that preliminary agreements are in place to secure rights to the energy resource through access to land area sufficient to build the project (provide a list of and type of land agreements and show the area covered by preliminary agreements on a map) and/or rights to the resource itself, where applicable (e.g. water rights for hydro projects or feedstock for biomass projects).
  7. Proof that municipal/regional authorities are aware of the project: Attach a letter from appropriate authorities showing that they have been made aware of the project.
  8. Expected purchaser of the output (e.g. electric utility, power pool) and proof that the project has received pre-approval to connect to the grid: Attach a letter from a regulatory body or utility showing that expected rated capacity can be connected to the grid or if the project is part of a bidding process, such as a provincial Requests for Proposals, provide proof of application into the process along with proof of pre-approval of interconnection. If the project is not successful in the bidding process, the proponent will need to show proof that the project can still be interconnected and will need to re-confirm their expected date of commissioning when the bidding selection is made public. Failure to do so could result in a rejection of the project.
  9. Expected rated capacity of proposed project in MW: Provide the total rated capacity of the project (only the capacity that is qualifying to receive the incentive).
  10. Expected average annual production, in GWh, of the proposed project: Provide the expected annual production (only the part qualifying to receive the incentive).
  11. Expected date of commissioning (month and year) of the proposed project: To the best of the proponent's knowledge, provide the date, inclusive of environmental assessment requirements.
  12. Description of the project: The project description must follow the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) guideline: "OPS - EPO/5 - 2000 - Preparing Project Descriptions under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act". It will be used to make a determination as to whether or not the project requires an environmental assessment under the Act; and if it does, it will be used to start co-ordination of the environmental assessment process.
  13. First Nation/Aboriginal Contacts: Provide contact names and coordinates of all First Nation/Aboriginal groups that may be impacted by the project and provide status of consultation with each of them by proponent.

Once the Notice of Project Application has been completed, a person of responsible authority in the organization must sign and date it.  Please provide one hard copy and one electronic/digital copy of the Notice of Project Application and related attachments to the address shown in Part III. Scanned documents in PDF format are acceptable.

Annex B: Technical Project Information

To demonstrate that the project is at a significantly advanced stage of planning and development and to provide information required for the contribution agreement, the project proponent will be required to provide technical information on the project as requested in the following Technical Project Information (TPI) document (see explanations on information requested after each section). 

Section 1: Information on Proponent

  1. Name of the proposed project, technology type and ecoENERGY for Renewable Power registration information: Proponents are requested to use the same name of the project as previously given in the Notice of Project Application. Technology type must be ticked off.  Other technology types must be specified in space provided. The registration number and date of approval of the registration must be provided as shown in the Notice of Project Application approval letter from Natural Resources Canada following registration of the project. This information will be posted on the program's Web site;
  2. Legal information on the proponent:
    1. Legal name of proponent: Show business, corporation or organization's legal name in space provided.  This information will be posted on the Web site;
    2. Legal information on the proponent: Show legal status, address of business, business registration number, jurisdiction of registration and type of activity as indicated in legal documents;
    3. Ownership of project: Show list of partners in project and percentage of shares.  If a limited partnership was created for the purpose of the project, indicate partners and percentage of shares;
    4. List of related companies participating in other ecoENERGY Renewable Power projects. Proponents need to identify any related companies that have shares in other ecoENERGY Renewable Power projects. A listing of related companies is sufficient for the purpose of the Technical Project Information application but Natural Resources Canada may require additional information to assess eligibility of shareholders to the program.
  3. Contact person for the project: Indicate name of the person responsible for project development in the space provided and include address and coordinates of this person if different from point b above.
  4. Section 2: Information on Proposed Qualifying Project (QP)

  5. Location of the proposed project (nearest landmark).  Provide area maps in colour and coordinates of project in Annex A2. Note that this may already have been provided in the NPA but it is required to show the latest information update;
  6. Capacity of the proposed project in megawatts (MW), indicating ecoENERGY and non-ecoENERGY capacities separately. The CRCE portion of the project must be shown as non-ecoENERGY capacity. For projects that are incremental developments of existing facilities, please check box and show incremental portion as ecoENERGY capacity and existing capacity as non-ecoENERGY capacity.  This information will be posted on the Web site;
  7. Expected net average annual production of the Qualifying Proejct indicating program and non-program productions separately:  As with point e above, please provide separate production levels for ecoENERGY and non-ecoENERGY portions of the project separately. Show calculations on how the expected net annual production was derived in a separate document (Section 3: Supporting Documents A5);
  8. Expected date of commissioning of Qualifying Project: This will be posted on the Web site. Show proposed timeline of construction phases (Section 3: Supporting Documents A7);
  9. Information on power plant: Show manufacturer, model and size of power plant. Provide technical specifications (Section 3: Supporting Documents A6);
  10. (Wind): Show expected average annual wind speed at the site at hub height:  Specify speed, height and show how this was estimated (Section 3: Supporting Documents A4);

    (Hydro): Show expected average annual flow at the site and height of fall: Specify flow, height and show how this was estimated (Section 3: Supporting Documents A4);

    (Biomass): Show expected average annual feedstock used for expected production: Specify quantity and type of feedstock and show how this was estimated (Section 3: Supporting Documents A4);

    (PV): Show expected average annual solar insulation at the site: Specify amount, angle and show how this was estimated (Section 3: Supporting Documents A4);

    (Other): Show expected average annual resource at the site: Specify amount and show how this was estimated (Section 3: Supporting Documents A4);
  11. Ecologo Letter of Opinion: For hydro and biomass project, provide date of issuance of Letter of Opinion from Environmental ChoiceM Program and copy of letter
  12. Expected purchaser of the output (e.g., electric utility, power pool) including expected annual production level as shown in Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or in proposal of PPA when applicable;
  13. Expected price of electricity sold to power purchaser. Provide estimate of annual average price if electricity is to be sold to power pool.

Section 3: Supporting Documents

To demonstrate its commitment to the project and show that the project is in a substantially advanced stage, the proponent must also provide the following information in attached annexes:

  • A1) Provide a short description of the project including size, site, location, ownership and rationale for the project (1-2 pages).  This is for communication purpose and the information provided is not to be confidential;
  • A2) Provide an area map in colour showing the location of the project and its coordinates and a detailed map showing location of the main elements of the project such as location of wind turbines for a wind farm, penstock and power plant for an hydro project and point of interconnection for all;
  • A3)Provide evidence that the proponent has access rights to the required land for the project (e.g. legal document showing that lease or easement agreement as been made with all owners of land and resource);
  • A4) Provide description of the steps followed to evaluate the energy resource for the project and show calculations on how it was estimated. A summary of the resource assessment report would be sufficient;
  • A5) Show how the expected net annual average production was calculated from the resource assessment.  Include assumptions and calculations used and show how line and transformer losses, as well as downtime due to environmental conditions or operational constraints, are accounted for.  Biomass projects using dual energy sources must provide evidence that expected annual production will be met by eligible feedstock;
  • A6) Provide technical characteristics of generators (manufacturer's specification sheets including power curve);
  • A7) Provide timeline of proposed construction stages. Significant stages should be highlighted;
  • A8) Show other sources of government funding if any. See section 2.15;
  • A9) Provide permits or proof of approvals for construction and operation of power plant, transformer station (if separate) and connecting or switching station (if separate) by a responsible entity such as a utility or energy board. 
  • A10) Show approval of interconnection and transmission design by the transmission company or electrical utility;
  • A11) Provide a description of metering plan including; 1) the name of the metering authority (Metering Service Provider or auditable responsible authority); 2) the meter's location (Point of Interconnection as defined by the program's terms and conditions); and 3) the methodology used to measure net energy, exclusive of losses and energy consumed by the project itself;
  • A12) Letter of Opinion as provided by the Environmental ChoiceM Program stating eligibility of project to EcoLogoM certification. This will be required for all biomass and hydro projects.  It may be required for other low-impact renewable energy technologies.
  • A13) Provide proof that project has received all non-environmentally-related relevant federal permits such as NAV Canada and Transport Canada permits for wind farms or navigation permits for marine energy projects;
  • A14) Provide proof that the project has received the required provincial/territorial environmental authorizations when these are not covered by or coordinated with the federal environmental assessment process and all other non-environmentally-related relevant permits;
  • A15) Provide a letter of intent from financial partners or an indication of financial capacity to carry on the project.
  • A16) Provide status of consultation/contacts made with First Nation/Aboriginal groups that may be impacted by the project.  This status should include a summary describing: possible project impacts on these First Nations/Aboriginal groups; positions of each of the First Nations/Aboriginal groups vis-à-vis the project; efforts undertaken by the proponent of the project to address First Nations/Aboriginal groups' concerns etc.

Annex C: Costing Report for Qualifying Projects

The ER must provide a costing report providing information on installation costs for the Qualifying Project (capital costs and average operation and maintenance (O&M) costs over 10 years).


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