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Testimonial: Barkley Project Group – S&T Internship Program – Green Jobs Intern


Green Jobs
Science and Technology Internship Program

I'm Janelle Flat, I'm part of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. What initially sparked my interest in clean energy is growing up near the oil sands. I’m not opposed to them per say but I would say that I wanted to find better solutions to creating energy. We need to transition into clean energy just for our future, our youth and all those to come.

Barkley Project Group is a clean energy consultancy. We’re project managers and we work pretty much exclusively with First Nations in BC and Yukon. Janelle Flett recently joined our team and she’s joined via the Generation Power program which matches employers that work on clean energy, specifically clean energy projects, that involve Indigenous communities with Indigenous youth that are interested in getting a start in the clean energy sector.

So I initially found this job through Indigenous Clean Energy under the Generation Power cohort. So through them they actually were able to set me up with the STIP internship. So it’s been a really great experience to learn and gain more confidence. To other young Canadians, I would definitely say take the opportunity to apply to the STIP program - there are so many different fields and options. So I think the STIP program is really beneficial.

She’s been able to adapt herself to different types of work. So she's done everything from fieldwork, to taking meeting notes. I think it's given her a good exposure to these different things.

I think the STIP program has enhanced my career by definitely expanding my network, getting me out of my comfort zone by moving, being able to get information about like hydro, geo-thermal, solar projects. It’s been so enlightening to me and getting these experiences here is definitely vital I think moving forward in my career.

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