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Executives (EX)

The Executive Group comprises positions that have significant executive managerial or executive policy roles and responsibilities or other significant influence on the direction of a department or agency. Positions in the Executive Group are responsible and accountable for exercising executive managerial authority or providing recommendations and advice on the exercise of that authority.

Key leadership competencies 

Create Vision and Strategy, Mobilize People, Uphold Integrity and Respect, Collaborate with Partners and Stakeholders, Promote Innovation and Guide Change, and Achieve Results


Deputy Heads are required to identify educational requirements for Executive (EX) group positions either through organizational policy or on a case-by-case basis. Typically, Executive positions require a degree from a post-secondary institution.

Salary Range

$105, 700 - $202, 500

Types of positions may include:

  • Director
  • Senior Director
  • Senior Assistant
  • Director General
  • Assistant Deputy Minister
  •  Head/Chief

Duties may include:

  • Manage programs authorized by an Act of Parliament, or an Order-in-Council, or major or significant functions or elements of such programs;
  • Manage substantial scientific or professional activities;
  • Provide recommendations on the development of significant policies, programs or scientific, professional or technical activities;
  • Exercise a primary influence over the development of policies or programs for the use of human, financial or material resources in one or more major organizational units or program activities in the Public Service.

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